can you love someone again after hating them

If he had to go help his parents because their basement flooded instead of coming to see me in New York while I was there for work, I got angry and felt slighted. I consider her toxic. As you let him or her into your private self, your partner did the same. He needs to seek help for himself the only contact you should have w him is too allow him to have quality time w the children. When you were in love with him, he was not in love with you. Get to know the new guy as a PERSON. He also said that if he didnt cheat, I would have been the one to cheat. And you can allow yourself time to heal from the hurts of the past, because that is a natural process that cannot be rushed. A husband should not be a person we are afraid of. I told her I will never give up on our marriage and would never consider a divorce. Hi Jessica I know Im going to have to take the initiative and hopefully hell see how hard Im trying and follow suit. I told him I needed time to heal and I knew I could get past this, but within a day or so he wanted to act like things were fine. She has been like my teenage daughter who can do no right. i feel like im cheating him of his 20s or that im not good enough and am way too old for him. i just said all the bad words coz i felt negelected and i wanted him to know how i feel but eneded up abusing him. Putting down? DrDeb, One day I was at work and he got angry not because if me, but he wanted to take it on me on the phone. I dont hold it against him. There was never any abuse, cheating or major fighting in our relationship we just sort of drifted apart and life got in the way and we didnt focus on nurturing our relationship. He still wants to be with me, he still says hes in love with me, but he just cant go back to normal immediately. I should mention the ONLY promise he has ever kept is to be faithful (I think?). We were high school sweethearts. So to see this is heartbreaking. Whats the upside of this difficult process? Right before she told me of her lack of feelings, I began taking an active approach in things like my career and relationship, after all, my life is in my control, but it was too little too late. Because of the way I had been acting and treating him the past year. Hi Dr Deb, We made appointment to go lay week Friday but instead she came to my house on Tuesday same week. Is it possoble and whar should I do. I have to live with it now. I dont know if I believe him or not though. I do indeed miss my former spouse and best friend. So what is it youre receiving when you fall in love? I just dont get how shes so perfect and can make my husband fall in love with her giving her his all while leaving me on the back burner. I need advice. Well my guy found out and he felt I didnt trust him and all hell broke lose, I got angry and to him where his mom his ex and he could go. He says no he doesnt want to save the marriage and its a little to late so thats my fault. My question is should I try to move on without her or do I continue to try and make things right? Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. I feel like Im really losing him if he doesnt feel as crazy for me like he did before. Please can you advise how I should act. They were so nice they let you move in and took care of you. I will ask if I need helpand his parents had to approve the house we bought! I was impatient and I ended up pushing her away completely. now he is miles away and the distance have made me realise how much i really love him. I confronted him and I was absolutely done but I was still in a lot of pain and he then would send me long messages every morning (like this one ) trying to apologie and asking for one more chance and etc it was a huge blow out. just please be honest with me if it. He massaged me the next day saying he wasnt ready to talk face to face yet but that he would let me know when he was. Second, her therapist who is away for the summer should either have put in place a way to contact her such as email, phone, or Skype, or have a substitute. is not qualified to offer professional advice, but we encourage you to reach out. I always thought my husband would stay..He never judged me, yelled at me, or did a single thing to hurt me. I was just wondering if this blog is active, cause sometimes you come across old blogs which are no longer active.. Didnt mean to criticize.. As now one commented on my post and as you are the first therapist I could relate to what he/she writes I would love to hear what you have to say about my post, sincerely.. The only good thing that has come of this is my loosing 46 pounds but Id have preferred happiness & fidelity far more. And i really did alot of damage to him. She finding hard to belive that I am going to change or helping myself at the moment. We is currently finishing her masters thesis right now too and says she doesnt have the emotional capacity to focus on too many things at once, that we should focus on our own issues for the time being and try to work together when she is emotional adept to do so. Heres why: The falling in love kind of love, not the familial love that you have, say, for your parents or children, is about receiving. My fiance and I have been together for 6 years now. My boyfriend was there for me the entire time, but after I recovered from my depression he just isnt the same anymore with me. Then texts 20mins later saying she is confused and doesnt know what she wants. Theres no easy way to do this. Please dont just advise me to move on because i hear that from everyone. I dated this man with the intent of moving on because my partner, then friend, rejected me and told me to move on because he didnt share the same sentiments. I felt anger. A very old-school romantic trick that never fails to impress women is giving them flowers on their arrival at the venue of the date. I once said I hoped we could get back what we had and he said me too. Hi Aran This will NOT go away, so your boyfriend needs short-term but very intense therapy directed to correcting this BEFORE you can forgive him. However, while shes on the phone with me, she quickly sent me email cursing me out thinking i have a lady by me. He hated the city, the job.. and me. she said shes entertaining other people and going out on dates but to my knowledge its nothing serious. I really mean intimacy: Sharing your soul. We are incompatible on many levels. You can do it - you are already doing amazingly well. He almost broke up with me but decided to forgive me. He claims it is just an intense friendship. It doesnt matter if that is true. Every day I saved her multiple times from aspiration. It's understandable that you might hate the fact you did it, but you can learn from it and from how you feel. She had a death in the family and i was working at night. Reviewed by Ekua Hagan. I want so badly to see him, but I am so afraid to have that feeling of love again. So I we shopped for all that. Im pretty sure I have some serious issues. Youre being crazy all Ive done is try to talk to her. Your spouse will realize that change goes way beyond no longer being ugly with you. I found instead an email he sent to his ex girlfriend asking her to come back to him. He would break up with me frequently out of nowhere but eventually hed always ask for me back always knowing I will. He has started to see a psychologist, and I have also met with the psychologist. Hi Kacie, Well, your letter is pretty long, but I do want to make a few comments to the first 1/3 of it, which I read. Being overly negative can sour a relationship with anyone, but is particularly bad for a long-term romantic relationship. The fourth time was a few weeks ago when I started having cold feet. Everywhere I go Im with couples and i can barely handle it and a few times i have ended up crying if I drink. Truly blessed. Sitting at a table in our garden with every candle lit & blinking invitingly; scattered around our garden table; sharing a bottle of wine together & a take-out pizza whilst writing our vows & dreams to each other on a note-pad over ice-cream & hot coffee .. would have been magical. Theres love, passion and chemistry uniting us but things arent always easy. You ask what to do. He had admitted his faults in the relationship and told me he loved me the best of his ability. I am thinking there is more going on than you are aware of. I have been married for a year I love my husband we have a 6 yr old and a nine month old ..but are relationship has been going down hill since I found out I was pregnant with the baby I found out he was on heroin and it had taken over I moved us into a different area to help him stop drugs but know i feel like all the weight is on me and im looking for another job when my husband is doin nothing can hardly ever watch my boys and I have been thinking abut having sex with other men Im just so confused hurt and stressed out Christmas is coming and all we do is argue its really affecting the kids I think its making the baby mean and he could carless about buying our kids colthes and I know Christmas is out the question from him I dont know what to do I keep kicking him out but by us being married he doesnt have leave I feel so depressed sad and used. Talking doesnt help. But, even then I just made it worse and she got really offended. I met this man early 2012 we were staying in the same complex things started all as a joke ad time went on I was advise that he was married I asked him he refused and as time went on I literally believed him as he will stays here in Pretoria but his family is from Mpumalanga. I HAVE disrespected him, and isolated myself from him because I KNEW he was doing something, with someone on the side. i told him that i miss him and am sorry but he said its okay . Unfortunately, i cannot say the same. Meeting my husband had set me in motion into becoming a independent, healthy individual after 10 years of neglecting myself. Love past the hurt, give her space. Thank you for your comment. The next day she began an online relationship with an old high-school fling from India (we went to boarding school), their relationship was very sexual and they exchanged pictures and videos, I was aware of the whole thing and read and saw everything. What can I do to atleast make him give us a chance at this? She hasnt asked for a divorce, and Im also trying to move closer to her and my daughter. Hes my everything. My wife has just started an executive MBA which involves travel and I am 100% behind her in making sure she is successful. Falling out of love was the result of your wifes rotten behavior. Hello dr I just dont know what to do. It may be helpful to work through your feelings and concerns with a qualified and compassionate mental health professional, even if you seek help on your own. I had a girlfriend the first time I met her and the relationship with my then-girfriend wasnt going anywhere. Hi there, I also try to reduce communication with her. since we started having sex again i realise his behaviour towards me is a little better but when he leaves and go back to the other city to work he comes home with a strange behaviour and he dont want me to touch him and then the night before he goes back to the other city we have sex and he gave me a a body massage for mothers day and that how the sex started. I have changed and I am working on myself to be a better man for her if she decides to give us a chance again. Should I be concerned that he seems to loose his mind when he receives sexual attention from women? 4. I keep worrying that the love I had for him is gone and it will never be the same. The moment you pledge you highest love, you greet your greatest fear. Ive recognized many of the things here, including not validating her enough, not making her feel accepted or adored and supported, and many other shortcomings I feel guilty for in oversight. Im writing this to say that the advice on this website worked. Brogaard, B. I am so lost. We live together, and I think he is planning on proposing to me, he drops a lot of hints, and says he wants to spend his life with me. He left on a business trip the next day and we didnt talk. Over time I joined a car club. When you feel guilty for hurting someone you love, holding in those feelings makes it worse. Im currently in a worse situation. Talked and laughed and have a lot in common. Like you said, you are too young for so much stress. My husband said he loves me and cares about me but he just does not like me at all. This leaves less time to do things that you would rather do at that very moment. About 2 weeks ago, everything came to the light & I was cut off from the guy I was cheating with. That is NOT the real person. So after a week of my parents seeing how miserable I was at home they let me move in with him, and when I went there it felt like he didnt want me there (he did not even help me unload my things) but I didnt care he was all I wanted. I believe we both want the same thing which is to be together, and be happy together, but i dont know how to get there.. He started applying for new jobs to return back home but he didnt get them. Hurt is a reaction to fear, and in a place of Love, there is no room for fear or anything else. My ex has a crush on some guy who makes her feel better because I unknowingly cut her down. I can see in his heart he wants to try because every now and then he will go back to the way he was in the beginning and do nice things for me just because, but then he says he thinks about everything all over again and gets angry again and hesitates. Only problem is he was terrible at communicating. Why he did it. Thinking everyday what i did wrong, for this love to disappear just like that. She takes pain pills for diseases she has, and ive known that for years, but for whatever reason, my subconscious compulsive mind led me to do it. We are sorry to hear of what you are experiencing. When a marriage is filled with anger, dysfunction, conflict, and even hate, it seems plausible and even reasonable that it should and will end in divorce. Id appreciate that. I dont want to ruin a good thing but I also dont want to be unfair. I have been married for 10 years, i say I because i was technically the only one who acted as if i was married. I dont want to hurt him, I do love him but I dont think im in love with him anymore. I was to blame for his misery and we started fighting so much. I admit I was a terrible person but thats because I had up a wall and was not being my true self. He started to act like his father. No need for me to jump back in so quickly. . I had a rough childhood that I thought I left in the past, I said some really hurtful things to her and pushed her away. So I looked for an outlet which was going into little dating sites just fooling around at first but then got to the point where things got a little too serious did I feel bad? I am an Iraq war vet suffering from PTS and Im dealing with that on top of this new news. Although opposites do attract, the fundamental, deep-down attraction comes from a reflection of oneself. He has plenty of friends and family that he can talk to (even older male friends that he said he looks up to) , and many of them have talked to him about our situation, but I dont know if he truly has listened to them. Expected behaviors dont happen and new, lovely ones are in their place: consideration, gentleness, sensitivity, generosity of time and effort. Hi, I had to reply to this. I look after the kids and help give her the time she needs to study. I made some mistakes of my own in the last couple years and sought happiness elsewhere with an affair with a close friend. We are in relationship for 4 years. And i was getting some things off the laptop that I gave to him. It is the basis of love and loyalty. I told her I loved and I would want to work through what we care going thru, but need to know if she even wants to. Both assets are necessary. Usually this will happen when the couple comes from homes of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or unpredictability. She doesnt like me calling too much and says I should give her space. We had talked and agreed on what we were ok with All the what ifs and everything. If you dont give me money anymore, someone else will..bla bla bla, This is the lady i took care of even before she got pregnant for someone and i continued doing so till her baby almost 2yrs old. Always work on improving yourself and showing the other person you want them in your life rather than need them. Psychologically, it seems there was a disconnect right there. The betrayal doesnt have to be as raw as cheating, although it can be that. We have had minor breaks but have resolved them and have been together since. I dont know what to do anymore. She needs individual counseling. Soon after that, she broke down, genuinely apologized and begged for forgiveness. I was very ungrateful towards him. I mean I cared but I told myself that if thats what needed to happen for her to feel better than so be it. I am a 31 year old woman starting to talk to a woman whom I am extremely fond of. Hi Megan, Give yourself time to work through your grief. as of now everything I say she says she doesnt want to talk until I get it. I initiated the movejust to see her for the first time in 9 months. Then they have something to bring into the relationship instead of just taking from it. With proper therapy, he will be able to be more of himself, someone you can connect to. Im the type of person that I dont really like to open up but with him being my best friend and fiance I always thought I could. We have 4 children. I never felt so much respect and care from a male in my life. That happens to be a bad idea but our society works that way. HE drinks but YOU have to be more affectionate? I finally told him several days laterbut it was too late because he thinks i cheated and i did not. It was caused by me my working out for 2 years prior and then one day going to workout to the point of exhaustion and I started feeling like I couldnt breathe and my heart raced and my nerves got so worked up I began to vomit. We never did anything before getting married ( we were forced to get married because we got knocked up) we were not ready to get married. It hurts and it will hurt. I eventually grew out of that, or so I thought. I was fine with him drinking but not the HARD stuff. Please help. With my ten year old daughter in the car. I feel like you could have summed this up by saying this: Shes a few years younger. I Think My Boyfriend Is Cheating I Been Having This Feeling For Sometime Now I Been Going Through His Phone I Dont See Anything But I Also Know He Could Have Deleted It Idk I Have A Really Big Feeling Hes Doing Something Behind My Back That I Dont Know About And Also Lately If We Are On Bad Terms And He Knows Im Hurting And Upset He Goes To Sleep With Out Fixing The Problem And I Be The One Losing Sleep I Really Need Some Advice. She told me how they had sex and how thats not the first time and they hang out a lot and they go out to eat and etc. One of his stops was a couple hours away from her house, she drove to him and they had sex in the cab of his truck. When our wedding song comes on he always wants to slow dance and he tears up but I feel nothing. I know she fears this is just another cycle of inappropriate behavior followed by her doubting the relationship, me noticing that, getting temporary help and then giving up because things get better and the cycle continues. Ill tell myself that Im over it but he hasnt changed anything to make me feel like this time around, things will be different. If hes not sure about her, he may abandon both of you anyway. Well then in June or July 2013 I went on his yahoo account and there were emails on there off of craigslist personals between him and other woman in 2012. Makes sense except its a fantasy, not reality. He knows that something is wrong. No support from family or anyone else. Im writing this praying and hoping for a response from anyone at this point. as he texted him on facebook. Out of blue she called me this Monday February 20 early in the morning on my way to work. I realized that my empty promises were never going to work and I didnt want them to. Hi Jessica Words alone wont do it; its actions that matter. my question for you to think about is: When will you start protecting yourself from verbal abuse? Im in a foreign city and hes the only person I know that lives nearby. I have been dating this guy for a little over 3 and half years and we got off to a rocky start a few months into our relationship when my ex decided all of a sudden after not speaking to me for 6 months just had to be back in my life and showed up at my house trying to talkI made a point to be sure to tell the current bf because I didnt want to lie to him, well because I was very open with him about my past relationships he was not to thrilled and since has had some major trust issues. So your husband isnt going to get past it without help. I realize what I did was horrible and have apologized over and over.he came to a counselor once but refused to go back. Hello Elena, I applause for what you done. Then I didnt tell you the good part the co worker,my husband and myself all work at the same place. I have known him for 3 years now and he has my first everything. Stand in their shoes. I bought uniforms fire her job and slipped the note in between. To make it work, you do need to become a listener like she wants. Just too hard for me to have another girl now. Often, the challenge isn't finding love, but daring to face one's own defenses and let love. Thanks, Dr. Debb. He has also been having mental health issues as recently wanted to kill himself and has little self worth. I did start therapy, we even went together sometimes, but she wasnt very helpful. When you are exposed to those specific circumstances, hatred can over shadow your love but love is still there. Told me not to worry about baby daddy. I understand. It was difficult at the time but we decided to stay together and try everything we could to fix our relationship. Small town, everyone knew everyone. Hi Jess, Our marriage has been rocky ever since. But since wed thought about it I figured it couldnt hurt to try. The unknown. Our marriage of 39 years has had good times, but I have constantly felt my husbands disconnection in both emotional & sexual intimacy. I was numb with shock. But I have destroyed him. For 3 weeks I slept on the couch. Well, things just got worse. His mother is a big issue here, and wont let him move past his exwife. I want to know how to be able or if Im even able to regain the love that I once had for my partner? It is a painful process but rewarding at the end. I would give anything to go back to earlier this year and try again with his honesty. My ex got mixed up with prescription drugs. Influenced mainly by a friend of his. Your spouse will realize that change goes way beyond no longer being ugly with you is there. To fear, and isolated myself from him because I hear that from.. 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can you love someone again after hating them