what are the 7 warfighting functions

They KNOW what our political objective is and, therefore, they KNOW who is their friend and their enemy and they KNOW what kind of war they are embarked upon. 7 . The following passage describes the characteristics of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec cultures of Central and South America. I think you have made many valid points and more importantly direct personal observations based on your experiences. The endurance of Army forces is primarily a function of their sustainment. The intelligence warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations (ADRP 3-0). 2. He has been published in theInternational Journal,Military Review,OODA.com, and theSmall Wars Journal, in addition to contributing to chapters in two textbooks on Design Thinking. The Sublime: The Paradox of the 7th Warfighting Function, (Or why SOF cannot eat our function and have it too). These arent mechanized divisions we are attempting to outflank or terrorists we are killing in the human domain, these are very contextual-dependent groups of people whose values we are attempting to appreciate and either influence or employ to some effect. In some aspects the Civilian Defense groups are forcing the military and federal police to start offenses against some of the TCOs but it should be noted that the military and federal police have been are to a degree also corrupted by the TCOs. So what essentially we have done is gone from: a. Effective maneuver requires close coordination with fires. Most preferably, however, we would waste no time in adapting to the philosophical approach of the vast majority of the rest of the scientific world, to include most of the social sciences- and that is to a critical realist philosophy. Let the Rangers have the gadgets and the direct action stuff. And what I have been saying for years around here, using "South Asia" as one intellectual "foil", is that YOU (meaning the US military and agencies with which it works) are a part of the human domain and you cannot divorce yourselves from any of it. Interesting take on the situation inside SOF community. [xxvi] The tactical level (young NCOs and officers) seems in my experience to have largely remained mission-focused and results oriented. Our adversaries are using . Perhaps the tools used to understand the world change but the basic overlying concept is the same, the need to decipher situations and people and trends. Your email address will not be published. Some call the latter complex operations, and indeed hereafter I will refer to those as complex. Your email address will not be published. [xv] COL John Boyd famously said (and I paraphrase): The military has a strategy. WFF are the physical means that tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by a superior commander. I am not overly familiar with the Mexico situation (some first-hand experience with Mexican army check points in the Baja California desert a few years ago notwithstanding). ", Sparapet---more concerning the so called notional scenario--. [viii] My pick would be The Sublime, but, since that might not have enough of a military sound to it, would offer social action instead in order to emphasize the social aspect as well as the requirement for action. Within Internalized Social Change, the social anthropological method of Participatory Observation is closest to the function of what SOF, and others acting within the Human Domain would be involved with: one would literally be involved in participatory action, observation, learning, and influencing- the emphasis being on participatory: meaning that one would be influenced just as much as the other being observed. Will any of these concepts help us to (1) separate the native from his native way of life and native way of governance and help us to (2) attach him and make him dependent upon our way of life and governance? This handout contains the following: I. Otherwise it is hard to pinpoint the focus of 70+ air sorties in "Lions of Kandahar," or protect an infantry platoon being approached by a much larger force in "Outlaw Platoon." [xxxix] Some will argue vehemently that SOF values education, but in my experience the resources spent on education are a far cry from what is spent on equipping. While that may be correct, I did not list it here because I believe Special Operations itself, uses the six above, which would make it a unit using the system. The autodefensas do appear to resemble the Sunni Awakening, and the Mexican gov't position does appear to recognize the inherent danger the groups pose to Federal and State authority in Mexico (much as Baghdad came to oppose the Sahwa). In spite of the achievements and predominance of the two civilizations intact after Columbus arrived in the New World, they found themselves at the mercy of the Spaniards during the sixteenth century. Maxwell said the War on Terrorism defined protection by entry control points, barriers, persistent ground surveillance system blimps, and even the technologically-advanced counter rocket, artillery. how much does a company pay for h1b visa. What is the Seventh WfF? SW demands from a SF team far more in what Germans call "spitzengefuelhlen" or the feelings in your fingertips or the Art that you refer to. Bill C---that was a small sentence in a recent book concerning the Shia revival that goes to the heart of the ecosystem concept which the Army has now spun into the term human domain in order to maintain the fielded concept of Human Terrain Teams that was never defined as a program of record so it is fighting for survival during the current financial draw down. Entire tribes vanished as smallpox, scarlet fever, and influenza decimated the native population of the Americas. Its interesting that in your exchange with the detainee, he basically pointed out that part of the way they figured out their detonator problem was by going to open sources and specifically the example where the guy found a Facebook picture and post of a soldier on the soldier's Facebook page. [xxx] If Operational Design is seen by ARSOF for what it really is: a methodology best belonging to the physical domains (at the tactical level mostly), rooted in technical rationality, and in direct contradiction with the human domain concept, then it is possible that a more applicable text could be produced. As LTG Sacolick and BG Grisgsby wrote in the June 2012 issue of Army Magazine: The concept of the human domain is the cognitive foundation of the 7th warfighting functions lethal and nonlethal capabilities to assess, shape, deter and influence foreign security environments.[ix]. Explorers may not have found the mythical golden city of El Dorado, but they did find three amazing cultures, each with unique characteristics. b. Administrative movement (generally movement via strategic transport) is included in the Sustainment WFF. We Westerners suffer from the belief that everyone is just like us. The HTS was a massively costly program for both the US Army and the taxpayer ---was a total waste of money---ie the Awakening was generated by AQI forking the Sunni insurgency not by anything Gen. P or Nagel did or what HTS provided in many badly written reports. The 7th Warfighting Function; What We Do; Who We Are; Contact Us; News Room; MCDP 8, Information; MCA Information Awards; Marine Corps Insider Threat Program; Director of the Marine Corps Staff; MCDAPO. The joint functions, then, were never intended to be another level of organiza-tion. If youd like to learn more about this subject, check out the book you see below on Amazon. Win friends and influence people? western-style nation building. It accomplishes this through the collective and coordinated use of kinetic and non-kinetic joint fires and effects in support of a manoeuvre plan, employing these means to delay, disrupt, or destroy enemy forces (adapted from RNZA Duties in Action). You should have resurrected your SF VN R&R party trick and set Flashbangs everywhere rear echelon personnel were real assholes. LTC Grant M. Martin is a Special Forces officer in the U.S. Army. Why Protect Mass Graves? I was just going to pull that quote for another comment thread. I think is what Robert has been saying in a number of comments. Also see his book: Wrong Turn: America's Deadly Embrace of Counterinsurgency. Thus, given this mission (outlier state and societal transformation) and this problem (the "enemy" can see us coming, so to speak, even before we get on the aircraft), how then might the art and understanding of the sublime help us to overcome these difficulties? Secondly critical thinking ie asking all those points you mentioned above used to be the core of a SF that was based in the world of UW or what you refer to as SW. I'm not so sure the world is a safer or better place than it was 12 years ago. This positivist[xviii] philosophy would be bad if we simply believed it consciously. Regarding my comment immediately below, this from ADM McRaven may be helpful: "You have the maritime, the ground, and the air domains, and then theres a human domain you have to operate in, and thats the totality of the physical and the cultural environment. If I am to do artestry, then I must at least know what is the subject matter. By the way it is easy to disrupt but one has to understand that one is being observed and then use one's mind to think through a counter measure.. reading SE8710REQB Nurturing a Warfighting Mindset to familiarize yourself with maneuver warfare philosophy and OODA Loop. Outlaw09, Required fields are marked *, Copyright (c) 2022 / Part-Time-Commander.com. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. "Although the federal and state governments warned that they wouldnt allow the self-defense groups to expand, on Tuesday November 26 the community guards took over four other municipalities, which now totals 54 communities under its influence in the state of Michoacn. It only has to be a tiny increment for the difference between 10 days and 10,000 days for the odds to stack up very heavily in HNs favor. Its SOF opposite, Special Warfare, is usually associated with Unconventional Warfare and COIN, but in truth includes those operations of long duration and limited footprint wherein a politically sensitive situation precludes a large foreign force on the ground. We flip to the Colonel and his Staff and they have received intel that the assault force is assembling at a HN FOB just inside the Pak border. I assume.". It is normally associated with initiative. The personnel system promotes, evaluates, and selects SOF personnel for command under the same construct as the conventional force personnel. Modern terrorists still target those they feel hold the power. The Pushtoon Secessionists fighting the Pak Army across the border in Pakistan are a good fit but a similar approach to Counter UW is IMO a dead loss at best and dangerously ruinous at worst. Taken from the www.borderlandbeat.com from today. Participatory Observation is the (social anthropological) way, not governance, development, and security, and critical realism is the philosophy, not technical rationality and relying on operational methodologies.". The Theory of War (Continued) Offense Contributes striking power. One way arguably leads towards relatively bigger budgets, more technology and platforms, and more intertwining of systems and processes with conventional forces. If SW was as important, the amount and quality of education that soldiers get who are involved in SW would be similar in per capita spending as those in SS get for their specialized training and equipping. The Spaniards were forced to retreat from the city, but they soon regrouped and besieged the Aztec capital. The CIMIC aspect of the IA WFF is composed of all systems, capabilities and elements tasked to support or otherwise engage with the non-military communities, including dedicated CIMIC units. All systems used to coordinate the delivery of these effects are included in the Fires WFF, and are therefore inherently linked to the Targeting and ISTAR IPA discussed later. Compliant change is change that is forced onto others, they comply. c. And know the kind of war that one is embarked upon. Movement is necessary to disperse and displace the force as a whole or in part when maneuvering. [xxix] Then-Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Commanding General, General Martin E. Dempsey, according to one anonymous School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) instructor, told the SAMS authors of the draft design publication that it was too long, had too many big words, and didnt have any of our current doctrinal concepts like Center of Gravity in it. Whether this is true or not, shortly thereafter Dr. Jack Kem wrote a short design booklet (Design: Tools of the Trade) that linked design to doctrine and as soon as LTG William B. Caldwell IV left Fort Leavenworth for Afghanistan and took Dr. Kem with him, the original draft authors quickly published The Art of Design, Student Text 2.0, which attempted to undo the changes that TRADOC reportedly had ordered. A particular IED group had been literally giving us fits meaning statistically seen a gun truck would be hit once in every three trips out the wire---this particular group had gotten extremely good with RC IEDs. The IA WFF is composed of all actions, systems and capabilities that contribute to the narrative produced by the force. I must add that many would say that Special Operations is a separate Army Warfighting Function. This likewise helping to explain, for example, why artestry, innovation, etc. Similarly, the personnel and acquisition systems of SW forces would be more flexible and geared towards SWs mission as opposed to being largely beholden to red-tape and bureaucracy (SOCOMs acquisition system for SW forces is arguably just as cumbersome and ineffective as the Conventional Forces). Administrative movement is related to the Sustaining WFF. Build and field indigenous forces which can be used to: 1. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) The Joint Staff Directorates and Joint . To add to those types of missions I would include any military operation in which either the objectives are very unclear and abstract or the operation is structured in such a way as to have a high likelihood of being unbounded in scope and time. I am so tired of the on going six year debate about the "surge" being successful or what used to be called "human terrain system" and now "human domain". The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. The belief that a well informed insight into the cultural environment of a typical Afghan village would equip you to deal with an armed opponent strikes me as quite absurd. When I think of the human domain I think of Unconventional Warfare (UW)[xxiii], Counterinsurgency (COIN), Counter UW, insurgency, and the like. It is ironic that the Aztecs grew flowers because. Aztec prophets had prognosticated that bearded men would arrive from the east, or the land of the sun god-the Aztec conception of heaven. [xxii] Probably not so much the higher-than-tactical areas: attempting to codify how we communicate (and thus think and operate) about the tacit at operational and strategic levels stifles us into the same problems that codifying the tacit in the human domain creates. The latter way, while possibly being less expensive, emphasizes small-footprint Special Warfare more than it does Surgical Strike. When COL Chamberlin ordered a bayonet charge from the defense he was banking on the fact that it would cause confusion in the enemy conducting the charge. One could argue that General Lee based his operations in the North during the Civil War as a way to influence the Northern population to put pressure on President Lincoln and the US government to end the war; did he not? I think what throws everything off is that: a. Just using the comment below sets the stage for a massive exercise in critical thinking and team discussions that do not fit the standard Powerpoint MDMP presentation. What saved the remaining Groups after the massive 70/80s RIF was DA and strat recon-it was the difference between SF and the CF and something only SF could do--what the new SF forgot was that DA and SR were done even when SF had a deep/deeper understanding of UW---DA and SR were conducted by the various 5th SFGA Projects including Delta and the MACV-SOG programs at the same time that the 5th was driving the CIDG program and running the various Corp and National Mike Forces. In the past, it was the communists who denied various populations these benefits. Knowingly or not, we in the military are governed largely by a system of systems that theoretically ties the Presidents security strategy to everything the military does, from the way the Army organizes into brigades to the type of rifle infantrymen carry. In other words, the mission has only one solution: make local/paramilitary forces more lethal and reform local governance to distribute the political and economic power so that X does not consolidate power in the resulting imbalance that our support would createi.e. I think there needs to be some re-evaluation about these issues. [vi] In almost every meeting the author has attended on the 7th WfF, this anecdote is repeated, so even if GEN Odierno never said it, it has become part of the institutional narrative that he did. What I find interesting about this revelation is that looking back it becomes almost tragic that we have completely ignored the ability to do or allow our own warfighters to have free run of using open sourced reconnaissance while our enemies have not neglected this and in fact have used it to great success. Eventually they actually do get attacked and the outcome is likely less than pretty without those external air attack and fires technical resources that some describe as micromanagement while others under fire appreciate as essential and lifesaving. If war is the pursuit of one's political objective by other means, then soldiers and statesmen -- long before the enemy -- must know, acknowledge, plan and prepare specifically as relates to this political objective. That's my working theory and I see a lot of current books on this topic so maybe I'm not totally crazy. Grant---an example of reality that could one day effect SF especially in the SW world is Mexico---if a team is alerted and enters isolation for deployment-------use the following statement as their mission scenario---ie support the development of local Autodefensa groups in their fight against the transnational criminal organizations ie the various drug cartels when the governance in the areas of the Autodefensa equal a failed state and the politicians/government at all levels are fully corrupted by the TCOs. [v] White, Curtis, The Middle Mind: Why Americans Dont Think For Themselves, HarperOne, 2004, 7. would be safe from effective enemy fire 24/7, versus the random attacks with dumb weapons that are normally way off the mark. So too is the buzzword "ecosystem.". This Warfighting Function is the process of deploying troops to operational areas as well as maneuvering troops, equipment and arms to gain advantage over the enemy. [xxi] I would assume Jean Baudrillard, from his Simulacra and Simulation (1981), would have a field day with how we have conducted Afghanistan. That is, unconventional tactics (e.g. Commanders, assisted by their staffs, integrate numerous processes and activities within their headquarters and across the force through the command and control functions. Copyright 2023 | Site by 3C Web Services, by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, by Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC), by Strategic Perspectives 41, National Defense University, by Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, by C/O Futures Terrorism Research Note Series, by PKSOI (Peacekeepimh and Stability Operations Institute), by Headquarters Department of the Army / Headquarters Marine Corps, Tactics and Operations Group, http://www.ehow.com/info_8770255_critical-realism.html, http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/positvsm.php, http://www.specialoperations.org/ARSOF2022_vFINAL%5B1%5D.pdf, http://www.aspeninstitute.org/node/12081#sthash.YjMssWdV.dpuf, http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/american_military_histo, Managing Risk for Special Operations Forces in Large-Scale Combat Operations, The grey zone: Russia's military, mercenary and criminal engagement in Africa, Deadly Rio de Janeiro: Armed Violence and the Civilian Burden, North Koreas Political Warfare Strategy Has Failed: ROK U.S. Alliance Needs A Superior Strategy. There are so many different flowing themes coming out of Mexico that tangate UW and go to the heart of the discussion being pushed by Robert Bunker on the El Centro site as to the question---just what do we do with Mexico---and really the entire Central American region as the TCOs stretch that far and are destabilizing the entire region--one could actually speak of a war zone rivaling anything we have seen in the last ten years in either Iraq and or AFG. Current doctrine does not adequately address the moral, cognitive, social, and physical aspects of human populations in conflict. Preferably we should take our cues from critical realism and multi-paradigmatic framing and reject the notion that the social realm should be approached using mainly the scientific method and linear logical tools and processes. It accomplishes this through adopting measures and conducting actions to reduce the risk posed by adversary, environmental and other threats and hazards. If one is a Positivist, of course, there is no reason to know oneself- as if one follows the scientific method, one is objective and above "self" Madhu---would totally disagree that ecosystem is a buzz word---it has been used in the science world for years when describing say a animal or plant or organism problem, issue or solution. I also agree with your thoughts on how we misunderstand our enemy. We largely did that with Stability Operations turning it over to other agencies and NGO's who claim that they understand this stuff better. Art, admittedly, forces one to take risk. Joint Staff Warfighting Capability Analyst. Emerging from a 101010 collection of city-states with no central government, the Maya reached a cultural peak between A.D. 250250250 and 900900900. I would agree that we (the U.S. Military types) don't know what to do with all this stuff we currently can't measure. Agree with you that a deeper problem (THE problem?) Inca architecture still dots the Andean mountains and highlands as the timeless endeavors of a lost people. Obviously I would give the M1E multiplier a greater weight than most but I dare suggest that seeing, smelling, hearing and even touching, talking and drinking tea with personnel within the target perimeter will boost your chances each and every day. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver. It is very difficult to do: one must sacrifice ease of communication and planning as well as take on some threat to ones career. "I did not want to recall how many negative comments were made by countless officers about how stupid the insurgents were when in fact they are still in the fight and we are long gone from Iraq.". While I'm at it, let me show you the type of thing I like to consider (my favorite topic, Americans and their reactions to "South Asia"): There is a book called, The Life and Loves of a United States Naval Aviator by Harry Carter which describes in a few passages his time (along with his wife) in Pakistan working with the Navy. Your writings are great to read especially coming from the lonely voice on SWJ that once wrote about the need to shift to VSO. I like your example of Lee and the South using his understanding of the "human domain": influence the population to put pressure on the President. A whole or in part when maneuvering what throws everything off is that: a via strategic transport is... Bad if we simply believed it consciously the Spaniards were forced to retreat from the city, they... Same construct as the timeless endeavors of a lost people, Sparapet -- -more concerning so... 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what are the 7 warfighting functions