what does the number 240 mean biblically

Also where did the video go? Number 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK 645 ANGRY DISPUTES 321 EVIL REPLACES GOOD, 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER Peace. To insert a religious man as an authority figure between the believers and Christ is flat out REBELLION: off the Christians go, into the oblivion of religious duty, when Christ died to set us free to a new and living way. 107 CRY OUT TO GOD IN DISTRESS, 109 DEFENDER OF THE POOR Though I do not know which sickens my stomach more, how we kill 3,000+ babies every day or that I live in the whore of Babylon and did not know it. As stated in this Crosswalk article, Three, shelosh[f.], sheloshah[m.] means harmony, new life, and completeness.. Number 563 SALVATION IS NEAR I just looked back over the numbers and i didnt see it. 509 TERROR ON EVERY SIDE Concerning Canada my own impression not a final thus says the Lord authority is Russia is prophetic Assyria and just as Assyria took a first slice off Israel taking the tribes East of the Jordan which includes the 1/2 tribe of Manasseh [U.K.], all of Reuben [Europe], and Gad [European Colonies] I believe the Euro Zone will capitulate to Russia to avoid W.W.III. How long before CD readers are defunct? An essential key to understanding God's Word and its design is through the meaning of Biblical numbers. Number 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS But, we both have crops to take care of tomorrow. , I had a dream that ended with the number 285 in BIG numbers. 135 SPIRITUAL GIFTS, 136 CLEAN HEART 5 0 obj Number239 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PROPHET, THEME 19 SAINTS EXALTED, WORLD BROUGHT LOW, Number241 SAINTS IN PRISON My meaning for 780 is Sojourners in the Kingdoms of Men. Number17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord, Number19 FAITH 16:16). Number 646 LOVE CONTENTION Number 658 BURIED ALIVE Number 527 RICH MAN PERISHES Our philosophy: freely you have received, freely give., I greet you in that wonderful name of Jesus, i like to find out what do the number 175 and 173 means, can please help me out with this two numbers thank you and God bless. I have thoroughly enjoyed your writtens. The number 3 means "Binding" and the number 8 means "Holy Man". We can typically see the number twelve used in governmental or authoritarian positions. 687 FOREIGNERS PLUNDER THE LAND Our salvation is through Christ not Mary. 267 MAN OF SORROWS It is not my opinion it is Gods opinion. Number477 MAN, POWERLESS IN HEAVEN, Number478 CONTRITE IN SPIRIT endstream 691 HOLY ONE AMONG US The Orthodox are a tiny minority. Number 639 DELIGHT IN RIGHT JUDGMENT Number 389 KILLING SPREE IN THE CAMP 346 RULERS OVER SPIRITUAL SONS, 347 CITY THAT KILLS PROPHETS Jesus appointed twelve disciples; Israel had 12 tribes. English does not work this way. It goes back to what God said and promised: 12 The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. Number 142 RASH DECISION Isaac as a type of Christians is painfully true to form: he was no spiritual giant. Jesus repeats the phrase feed my sheep to Peter three times (John 21:15-17).. Number419 SCHEME TO HARM WORKERS It is really neat that you saw those squares lined up to make a box because if you look on the Geometry section of this site you will learn that squares are holy. In the Bible, the number eight is often connected to a new start, a fresh beginning. 457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD If the triangle has three equal sides I would say that it speaks of the Trinity or God. Number312 CITIZENS DEFRAUDED, Number313 LYING PROPHETS I am pretty sure when God kills Congress, we will lose our coastal areas at the same time and what we call the USA will cease to exist and then the rest of the world is plunged into the one world system when the world economy collapses. Droughts, wildfires, violence in the streets. Number600 ARMED FORCE Samuel is the 14th most commonly mentioned name in Scripture. The 175th chapter in the Old Testament is Deut. This is in the context of the commissioning of Isaiah to be a prophet to hearers who wont listen to him. And the government projects a Jewish image. Number 149 DEFEND THE FAITH 463 CONSCIENCE SEARED Number 613 SERVANTS INHERIT THE LAND Who would #1 be in the Bible, scripture wise ? 607 TIES TO THE WICKED ARE CUT This is why studying the Bible, no matter how many times you have read it cover to cover, always delivers fruit or a seed of truth to enjoy. Penny Wells, Hello Penny, Pingback: Bible Chapters By Number | Bible Numbers For Life, Pingback: Bible Numbers The List | Bible Numbers For Life. Number299 GOD IS HIDDEN AWAY, Number301 KING PILES UP WEALTH Number 585 GODS BLESSINGS 92 WICKED DESTROYED Surely, He comes quickly!!!! Number 606 PEACE BE ON ISRAEL 585 GODS BLESSINGS 89 SON OF DAVID The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 24 The number 24 is associated with the priesthood. This site provides meanings for Bible numbers. 541 I WILL SEE THE WICKED FALL Number 668 CARNAL AS A DOG The voice in the dream may simply have been announcing to you what your new name is. Number 687 FOREIGNERS PLUNDER THE LAND To reiterate what I believe: all Christians can translate the meaning of the letters of Greek and Hebrew in the Bible into numbers, each number has a consistent meaning throughout the Bible, and when these numbers are translated they give a hidden meaning or message from God. Angel number 240 asks you to learn to listen to your intuition. God chooses the weak things to humble the wise. I am not understanding MOUNTAIN ON FIRE: PEOPLE SUBDUED. Number95 VOICE OF GOD Number 500 ANOINTED ONE 490 EVERY BOASTFUL MOUTH SHUT, 491 SAINTS SUFFER IN SILENCE Number76 PROPHET(S), Number60 EARTHLY KING The number 175 means Marriage Violation. 523 GLORIOUS PRINCESS APPEARS 320 SHOUT OF VICTORY In our new resurrected bodies our capacity to know him will be rich. Every reborn Christian person has a spiritual name. Number 523GLORIOUS PRINCESS APPEARS Number174 INNOCENT DEATH, Number175MARRIAGE VIOLATION Hope that helps. 284 ERROR IN JUDGMENT We can probably draw examples right away from instances where we see the number 12 used in Scripture. I am doing some work involving a ton of mathematics. Number470 MAN WISE IN OWN EYES, Number459 AGONY: ALONE IN DARKNESS Additionally, 6 is also associated with the idea of rest and true peace after a period . Number493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE 53 FAITHFUL WITNESS, 54 FALSE TEACHING 13 REBELLION: Anger, 18 BONDAGE: Depression Number 549 GOOD LIFE RESTORED 467 SELF-RIGHTEOUS, 468 ELDERS DISHONORED The third day:We cant talk three without talking about how Jesus rose after three days (1 Corinthians 15:4). All true prophets are the LORDs spokesmen to power. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/Pattern<>>>/BBox[ 0 0 1482.75 894] /Matrix[ 0.048558 0 0 0.080537 0 0] /Filter/FlateDecode/Length 18275>> Number433 KING HANGS VILE ENEMY 56 HARD HEART, 57 DEPART THE FAITH 393 EXCLUDED FROM FELLOWSHIP Number 1 UNITY: Lord 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE 461 BELITTLED: A WORM, NOT A MAN 622 means Mountain on Fire and links to Psalm 144. 520 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD 588 MELCHIZEDEK PRIEST If God Created for 6 Days, Why Does 7 Symbolize Perfection? 76 PROPHET(S), 60 EARTHLY KING Number288 MAKE RESTITUTION ! The Meaning and Significance of Number 3 in the Bible. THEME 49 TIME OF THE END (LOVE OFTHE FATHER), Number 612 SERVANTS OF THE LORD Number 342 REMNANT STRUGGLES In this account Asa King of Judah puts Hannai the Seer in prison because his message to Asa was a rebuke from the LORD. 272 KING LIVES IN LUXURY All rights reserved. Number 553 HORNS OF ENEMY CUT OFF, THEME 44 BLOODY MURDERERS ARE DESTROYED, Number 556 GOD IS MY TEACHER Number 619 BEATINGS ACCEPTED Number113SNATCH AWAY THE SAINTS We also should note that this article cannot dive into every number that contains symbolism in the Bible, as that would take an extraordinary amount of space to cover, and entire commentaries and books have been written on the subject. Many are named Noe when born on this day. Number 574 JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH God showed me he is about to kill Congress and Obama did spend 2014 cutting off the hand of Congress, I expected much from Obama, BUT, I never saw CUBA coming. Number 521 UNGODLY NATION OPPRESSES 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, 212 GODS COMMANDS FORSAKEN Number 674 BEHOLD YOUR KING! Observing holy days, e.g. 183 DEADLY BLOW, 158 FEAR OF DEATH 597 REBORN HEBREWS But the people are the apostate remnant not believers in Jehovah nor practicing Jews in any way save a few cultural customs and the Hebrew language.}. It is recorded 135 times in the King James Bible. The possible meaning of the number 135 is derived primary from history related to ancient Israel. We pay out $30,000,000,000 just on the interest of the debt and China holds much of the short term notes. Number190 KINGDOM COMES Regarding a CD that is a problem. 368 MAKE A SHOW OF REVERENCE, 369 HOST OF EVIL ANGELS Number 583 ANOINTED ONE IS FEARED Number480SON OF GOD: ON THE THRONE Number 560 SENSELESS SONS OF DARKNESS 67 GENTILES PRAISE GOD, 68 VICTORIOUS DISCIPLES Number 609 SOUL AT REST 434 MEN OF FAITH OUT OF HIDING, 429 EVIL MAN HONORED 375 BOUND TO TRADITIONS OF MEN, 376 FLATTERY OF THE KING Furthermore, the number 2 is associated with separation or division in the Bible. 198 PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Bear 28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple Number 138 INSOLENCE 187 ASCENSION TO HEAVEN 528 GOD ACCUSES I believe God himself will wipe out both coasts of the USA, though he might use Putin. Number38 BREAKING FAITH:Harlot, Number39 DISEASE: Adultery 9 JUDGMENT : 261 LOWLY SERVANT EXALTED, 255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED <> Phi = 500 Number 503 SAINTS SNARED Worse, I guess they are doing goddess worship and after some research I guess this is part of the free mason thing, which God also said goes against him. Number90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED, Number93 MIGHT OF GOD His name is Faithful and True and he will honor his covenant with us. Number 584 JUDGES DO RIGHT Number36 EXALTED MAN: Warrior Number 900 JUDGEMENT DAY Angel number 240 tells you that you have been gifted with many specific attributes, and these personality traits of yours will attract people to you. Im not asking for a translation just felt I needed to write the dream so I didnt confuse myself while asking this next question. 292 KING OF KINGS 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD I began by doing a search for all the different types of Bible codes that were available, and became completely engrossed in your site.you yourself have unearthed an cacophony of Biblically-interwoven truths I hadnt seen or heard in all of my scriptural wanderings..How incredible is the Living WORD of truth! 218 BROTHER KILLS BROTHER, 219 PIERCED WITH THORNS This is why we can know we are in the correct season, we are now solving the thousands of years old, parables, puzzles, and codes contained within the Bible. We invite you to read the introduction page on the website to understand that all the revelation of God through creation, stars, numbers, Scripture is true and it all agrees. God bless. I used to get it all the time with 240 (there it is again!) 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN, 579 CITY OF THE LORD PURIFIED I felt that evil spirit pass over us Dec 21, 2012, not only was it windy without storms in the USA, it was the world over including Russia, and I think something we cant comprehend was unleashed on earth that day and we have that 3 year window. So, the fern witches/wicca like to use in their spells, has Daniels days of 1260, wrapped up in 630 Satanic periods, that reproduces away from the light underground. The U.S. is in such serious shape. 386 ALLY WITH WICKED California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP 23 DEATH, 8 NEW MAN : HOLY MAN 194 LOVE OF MONEY CURSED, 197 RED DRAGON: Leopard Number 526 MOUNT ZION, CITY OF GOD O Lord! Number420 RULE OF MAN, Number 423 MINISTERS OF GOD 35:14) which Israel did not do even though their commands were lighter. > Christ was born of a virgin that truth is presented in the sign Virgo. Number 155 HONOR RELATIVES Number66 IDOL WORSHIP Is Sarah the free woman (Church of Jesus) or is it Rachel? 209 LOSS OF SPIRIT 157 CHOSEN PEOPLE, 150 CURSE ON EVIL SONS Number 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD 306 MONEY IS WORSHIPED What a wonderful illustration, i really enjoyed your explanation, may the glory of God continue to wax stronger in your life. Number 151 MANS POSSESSIONS Number 665 HONORED BY MEN, THEME 53 FAITHFUL WITNESS OF GODS LOVE, Number 670 FEED HUNGRY MOUTHS 558 GOD WATCHES OVER ME <>>> Number 340 LINE OF FAITH MULTIPLIES, Number 341 REMNANT IS WEAK 574 JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH Number462 FEEBLE ARM, Number472 THE LORD HEARS Number9 JUDGMENT Number700 PRIDE IN RICHES AND POWER It doesn't mean anything. Gives it a more personal touch. Number261 LOWLY SERVANT EXALTED, Number255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED Roughly translated: Life!'(of)Life!'(of)Life!. What did God say? Furthermore the New Testament explicitly warns Christians from reverting to obedience to the Law given to the Jews, including for example observing holy days. One may wonder why people didnt continue on in names, Judah, Perez, Hezron, Ram The Israelites had three patriarchs for a very specific reason. Who are the 144,000 in the Bible Book of Revelation? The number 111 is an angel number with deep meaning. Number384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, Number 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE Number 559 GOD HEARS MY PRAISE The pattern of numbers in scripture is overwhelming! Add up the letters and you get the number of the name.. 59 OPPRESSOR, 61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH Thank you very much for helping me clear up the understanding. 620 NO ONE CARES FOR MY LIFE, 626 PROPHECY FULFILLED Bible numbers do not apply to man-made things: beware of superstition. The revelation you received is valid also, but it is a personal message with meaning and application to you, not to all Christians. Number224 COLD BLOODED, Number225 UNHOLY ALLIANCE Number177 TRAMPLE POOR, Number180 SIN BRINGS CURSE Number473 THE LORD THUNDERS Hagar is prophetic of the Old Covenant [also fixed in Scripture] Note that Hagar was sent away twice symbolizing both the exiles of the Jews but only returned the first time symbolizing the return from Babylon. 180 SIN BRINGS CURSE, 181 ALIEN RULER The Bible says all the promises of Scripture are yea and amen in Christ. Number413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, Number414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS Angel number 240 wants you to understand that you have the answers to your problems. 567 ABOVE ALL ANGELS Number 144 JESUS IS LORD, Number 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER Number 617 NO PLACE TO RUN FROM THE RULER The article lists a number of ways we encounter the number three. Number96 NEW SONG TO GOD, Number99 SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD Rachel gave birth to Benjamin in the Holy Land. 573 STIFF-NECKED REJECTED FOREVER, 582 EARTH IS A PARADISE Hallelujah! Number 512 is the angel of the Lord is near. 656 PEOPLE RUN FROM RULER 506 CRY FOR MERCY HEARD, THEME 41 HOLY PEOPLE FLEE RULE OF EARTHLY KING, 507 THE LORD IS GLORIOUS Number69 KILLING BELIEVERS, Number73 BABYLON: World Rule 529 HEART IS HUMBLED Number62 JERUSALEM ROYAL CITY 402 LAMENT SLAIN KING, 404 PROCLAIM FREEDOM OF WORSHIP 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED (NO SACRIFICE), 116 PRAYER OF CONFESSION If you publish it, please make attribution. As I wrote back then, I felt God removed something after the election day of Nov 2008 and even the birds knew, as I reflect back on it I think it was grace. Twelve, asdescribed in this article, tends to mean authority or (similar to 3 and 7) perfection. 439 BITTER SOUL 238 LORDS SACRIFICE SCORNED, 240 HOLY THINGS LOST Number29 HOLY ONE: Holy Life, Number30 BLOOD: children Number466 PACK OF JACKALS Not like todays wines that are minimum 10%. This meant something in Jewish folklore, and also showed the intensity of the miracle. 413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, 414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS Number 561 PLOT TO DESTROY SAINTS 671 DUST TO DUST, 683 BRANCH OF THE LORD Number 672 LOVING WORDS This site has nothing to say about any numbers except those found in the Bible. 396 TEMPLE IS EXALTED, 397 LAW OF MOSES & PASSOVER CHANGED The sons of Rachab were not commended for their unusual lifestyle since those practices according to the Law were not inherently more godly. Number227 BLINDNESS TO BETRAYAL, Number228 PRIEST FOR HIRE Number 334 FORSAKE THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER, THEME 26 THE GOSPEL: JUDGMENT OF GOD COMES FIRST TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD, Number 335 HEARTFELT GRIEF OF SIN Simply put the number 10 in the bible means divine order, law or complete judgment. As to whether Christ journeyed to the British Isles my own investigation of Scriptures points to travels in Syria from shortly after John began preaching until Jesus appeared to be baptized. In either case, John addresses seven of them, showing a completeness. The Voice of the Archangel The End has AlreadyBegun, (c) The Sacred Feasts and Holy Assemblies, Sabbath The Rest of Saving Faith, Passover Christ our Sacrificial Lamb, Feast of Unleav Bread Celebration of the Lords Supper, Feast of First Fruits Resurrection of Christ, Feast of Pentecost Birth of the Church, Feast of Trumpets Mid-point of Great Tribulation, Feast of Tabernacles Entire Great Tribulation Period, Reuben Catholic Church & State, Simeon Kings of Europe / Crusaders, Manasseh Great Britain, Ephraim The Rise of America, Exile of Ephraim The Fall of America, 911 Attack 37 Details of Sep 11 in Ezekiel, World War III America is not invincible, The Tribe of Dan Radical Islamic Jihad, The Tents of Kedar Islamic State, Putins Russia in Prophecy Book of Nahum, China in Prophecy Descendants of Cain, Covenant of Marriage (Two Become One Flesh), Covenant of Adam (From Dust To Life), Covenant of the Serpent (From Life To Dust), Covenant of Animal Sacrifice (Covering of Sin), Covenant of Melchizedek (Gift of Righteousness), Covenant of Abram (Possession of Promised Land), Covenant of Circumcision (Slave of Gods Law), Covenant of Mount Sinai (Slave of Law of Moses), The Queens Chamber The Redeemed of the Lord, The Queens Chamber Niche Mount Zion Spiritual Israel, The Kings Chamber The Millennium Kingdom, The Antechamber The Great Tribulation, The Giza Complex Three Pyramids: Three Planets, Mystery of the Sphinx The Beast of Revelations, Prophecy in the Stars Basic (read this first), Prophecy in the Stars Expanded (read this second), Mystery in the Stars Prophetic Time Line(easy graphic), Star Knowledge: Time of Christ & Apostles, Star Knowledge: Modern History Since the Cross, VIRGO Christ Seed of the Woman, LIBRA The Cross of Christ, SCORPIO World Seed of Satan, SAGITTARIUS The Heavenly Jerusalem, CAPRICORN Israel Second Exile, AQUARIUS Jesus Humble Servant. 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what does the number 240 mean biblically