battlefield 3 best settings

On the other hand it can reduce performance and responsiveness during fast motion, and can also make it harder to spot enemies in your peripheral vision when turning around. You can change FOV by editing the third line in the file PROF_SAVE_body. However here you can set it more precisely, and it also allows you to use values above the maximum allowed on the slider (i.e. At Low, the rocks to the left become quite flat, round objects become less round, and more minor details and stripped from virtually every structure. It has 70.000000 value by default. screenshot.render The game is heavily biased towards prone firing. This console can be opened by pressing the ~ key, which is found just below ESC and above TAB on most keyboards. To access the in-game settings, launch BF3 and in the main menu click the Options button. Shadows and blur effects eat up some memory and if you set them to low, you will have a noticeable increase in FPS without loosing much of the eye candy. Within it is a dark gray window with arrows on its edges, indicating the maximum extent to which the Heads Up Display (HUD) elements, such as your compass and ammo counter, can be displayed on your screen. If your mouse is unresponsive though, you should: Go to: C:\Users\YOU\Documents\Battlefield 3\settings, Open PROF_SAVE_profile with notepad++ (can download for free). This is not the same as FPS, but when VSync is On your maximum FPS will also be capped to your monitor's Refresh Rate - see your Refresh Rate value in the Fullscreen Resolution setting. For example, expand the gray window all the way to the edges of the screen, and in turn your HUD elements will be displayed at the far edges of the screen as well, making them less obstructive. (Source of images). Finally, if you're experiencing lag in BF3, refer to the How to Get Rid of Lag article to correctly determine the source of your lag and what if anything you can do about it. However as texture detail rises, so too does the amount of Video RAM (VRAM) needed to hold these textures on your graphics card for quick access. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. screenshot.format JPG to save screenshots in JPEG format rather than PNG. Don't let the name fool you, Hardcore mode is not only for veteran players. Use render.perfoverlayvisible 0 to close the overlay. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? The choice primarily comes down to whether you like the effect or not. Screenshot comparisons are provided where relevant to highlight the impact on image quality of changing these settings. a value of 60 for a 60 FPS cap). With HBAO enabled, the scene becomes dramatically richer, as some of the unnecessary glare from surfaces is reduced and is replaced with realistic shadowing, giving the grass clumps density and depth, more evenly distributed shadows on the structures, and even the rocks on the ground to the left get vastly improved shadows. RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0 - This setting controls the number of frames prepared by the CPU before being processed by the GPU. It is recommended that you set either 0 or 1 but the effect is subjected to your rig, so you may experience different results. Moving while firing further reduces accuracy. Though an accurate comparison of smoke and explosion effects is difficult using static screenshots, you can see that the particle effects from the smoke and fire are reasonably realistic at Low, giving off dark smoke and occasional sparks. It's best to compare particular pairs of screenshots to see the differences. As with other settings which can affect the fairness of multiplayer gameplay, Mesh Quality can't be reduced to the point where it makes a substantial visual difference, such as removing entire buildings from the distance. Enemy Icon Opacity - 100 Enemy Icon Opacity (Zoomed) - 100 18. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It only takes a minute to sign up. Another major drawback with this method is that it is performance intensive. To see how various combinations of settings work for other NVIDIA GPUs, check out the Optimal Playable Settings section of the site. The graph demonstrates the heavy performance impact of HBAO, but this must be weighed against the substantial image quality improvement it brings with it. 1) Start the server browser Okay, first things first. Powerful new features. If you want a good balance of image quality and performance, then High is ideal. If set to No, subtitles are not shown. The default value is 70 degrees. Furthermore, during fast-paced action, and at normal viewing distance, even Low textures can look acceptable at a casual glance. The downside to reducing the slider is that it may make character movements more jerky in the game. TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-10100, 17502, 42127 For those who enjoy their eye candy and run a fast GPU, High provides excellent image quality without destroying performance. The screenshots above have all been taken with Antialiasing Post at Off so as to only highlight the impact of Antialiasing Deferred. If you really need the FPS boost, turn deferred AA off completely. The quickest and easiest way to measure your FPS in BF3 is to open the in-game console by pressing the ~ key (above the TAB key). Home of EA DICE's award-winning multiplayer experience, /r/Battlefield 3 is your #1 place on Reddit for all things Battlefield 3. I have two 4770's that are always at 50-60% on low graphics. Vehicle Mouse Sensitivity: This slider is independent of the general Mouse Sensitivity slider and controls the sensitivity of mouse movements only when you are in a vehicle. Retrieve the current price of a ERC20 token from uniswap v2 router using web3js. See the Advanced Tweaking section if you want to set a custom FOV value. If you have a powerful processor, you can try higher values to improve FPS but responsiveness will decrease. Shadow Quality: This setting controls the level of shadow detail. Allow PunkBuster: This option must be set to Yes to enable the PunkBuster (PB) anti-cheat system and thus allow you to play BF3 multiplayer on ranked servers which have PB enabled. For most people the refresh rate is around 59-60Hz, which means your framerate will be also capped to around 60 FPS if VSync is On. If you don't mind the haze effect, combining the two gives the cleanest solution but is really only recommended if you have a fast GPU like a GeForce GTX 570 or 580. Edit: Another thought I just had: Know your screens refresh rate (Hz). Out of curiosity he says. The difference between Medium and High is virtually indistinguishable, at least in these static screenshots. If you like it on and you can afford the drop in FPS associated with it then turn it on. So its better that you change these settings one by one and choose the ones that justify visual quality and performance. Medium brings further improvement, which we can detect most clearly on the lamp post to the left. If not I suggest disabling it. You need to get a better one or overclock it. The firmware V5.0.5.beta for Venom . At Medium, the most noticeable changes are: the shadows become smooth and soft-edged, and slightly more atmospheric through the use of SSAO; jagged lines throughout the scene are softened through the use of some post-processed Antialiasing; and there's more detail on surfaces, such as the soldiers' uniforms, due to higher resolution textures and 4x Anisotropic Filtering. Here's my setting op for 1440p. However capping your FPS does not mean your minimum FPS will rise to the capped value, it only prevents maximum FPS from exceeding it. This. If you do, raise it slightly until things are smooth. Ultra has a noticeable performance impact which may not be worth the visual improvement it provides over High. So instead of seeing a person jerkily warping from point to point, you see smooth animated motion all the way along. What you can't see in a static screenshot comparison is that at lower levels of this setting, a form of geometry 'pop-in' becomes quite noticeable. I believe this is covered in the Johan Andersson Battlefield 3 Presentation tech talk at the NVIDIA GeForce Lan 6. Take a look at our Stable Gaming Guide for tips on how to get your PC in the best shape. The graph clearly shows that the performance impact of this form of AA can be very intensive, and is even more draining on older graphics cards. You can try 0, 1, 2 or 3. The vast majority of the time this isn't due to faulty hit registration as most people believe. You want to max the icon opacity this time instead of making them less visible. TCP: 53, 88, 3074 Thanks for the tips. If you're a stealthy player, it's much easier to approach or flank the enemy, since you won't have a red arrow above your head if spotted, thus alerting the entire enemy team across the whole map as would occur in normal mode. You can use the screenshot.format command to change the format of the screenshot file. In fact this MSAA is really a customized selective Supersampling technique which increases the resolution of the scene only in areas where the engine detects the most prominent jagged edges, and in doing so, takes more samples, which makes those edges smoother. It does not affect terrain surface complexity, as that is controlled by the Terrain Quality setting further below. It also determines the mesh pool size used to store meshes in Video RAM. Following are some screenshot comparisons that will elaborate the difference: Check the shadow quality in all four images. Enable HBAO in your graphics settings. Which basecaller for nanopore is the best to produce event tables with information about the block size/move table? Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Effects: Low- As the article states "Being honest, we struggled to find a difference between the lowest and highest settings in the Effects Quality settings;", Mesh: Ultra-Mesh has a big effect on the overall visuals. The full range of video settings can be found under the Video tab of the Options screen. If you dont like, you can remove it by replacing 1 with 0. If after reading this guide you're still having difficulties with the game, check the Official Battlefield 3 Forums for further help. The impact is greater still at higher resolutions, and on most systems can take the game from being playable to unplayable. What are the default key bindings for Jet/Chopper for the XBox 360 controller. Anisotropic Filtering: This is a form of texture filtering is designed to improve the sharpness of textures which appear at an angle to your view, such as those on the ground or walls receding into the distance. It also lets you select the Refresh Rate at your chosen resolution shown in Hz. The number of resolutions and refresh rates available here is limited by the capabilities of both your graphics card and monitor. The higher the slider, the more responsive the mouse will feel. Terrain: Low- Similar to Effects, not much difference between low and ultra. Using the command with a value of 1 will enable them again. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? All the screenshots were taken as the soldier was spinning around quickly from left to right. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However it's obvious that High FXAA does the bulk of the work in cleaning up the scene. The next shot shows SSAO in effect, and the difference is minimal, best seen in the addition of a small amount of shadows to the stack of boxes to the left, the corner of the concrete wall to the top right, and the small clumps of grass to the right of the screen. Medium to High has a slightly smaller but still major performance hit due in large part to HBAO being enabled. Red Dot: 60-75. The main difference is that the 4x MSAA tidies up the slightly jagged vertical lines of the lamp posts and buildings to the left, and this is more noticeable on more distant objects during actual gameplay. In a multiplayer game you can't just disable everything. This should make you have best visibility possible IMO. The settings below have no significant impact on performance. October 20, 2018. Take the screenshot by typing this command in console. Frequent hitching and stuttering in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: what causes this? Published: November 9, 2011. How can I recognize one? The screenshots above have all been taken with the Antialiasing Deferred setting at Off so as to only highlight the impact of Antialiasing Post. This program is free to download from the Realmware website. Lower the setting to fix the contrast and bright lightning in the game. Master: This slider is the master volume control, affecting the level of sound effects and spoken dialog. Furthermore, Battlefield 3's in-game settings are quite comprehensive and allow users to readily customize the game as much as possible within these parameters. Instead, by capping your framerate you can prevent large fluctuations in FPS, in turn reducing resource spikes and stuttering, and improving the perception of smoothness. How To Fix Contrast and Lightening ? For example, if you get the drop on the enemy, even while firing from the hip, you can take them out in only a few shots. 100 GB. It is the sequel to Battlefield 2 and was released on October 25, 2011 [2] for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Note that some textures in BF3 look less detailed even at the highest setting. If you can't run the game at your native resolution, make sure you run it at one with the same aspect ration (16:10, 16:9, 4:3). Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! It's in part 5 at about 1:15 seconds in. Fullscreen: If you want to run BF3 in a window on your Desktop, as opposed to taking up the entire screen, then select Off here. ui.Drawenable 0 - If this command is set to a value of 0, it will remove the Heads Up Display (HUD) and any other screen overlays. Motion Blur Amount: This setting determines the amount of Motion Blur used. The default zoom binding is your Right Mouse Button (RMB), and when this option is set to 'Hold Button', you will only zoom for as long as you hold down RMB; as soon as you let go, you revert to normal view. and I wondered if there are certain video settings that can improve how soldiers show up. More information on how to enable and use this functionality is on this page . As an added bonus, FXAA can be combined with the MSAA in BF3 to provide the maximum amount of antialiasing possible. The graph demonstrates quite clearly that the performance impact of Anisotropic Filtering on modern graphics cards is relatively minor. If you don't want to mess with those options then you should. Battlefield 2042 has incredibly high recommended system requirements, with devs saying that you need at least an RTX 3060 and Ryzen 7 2700X to play the game as its best. It is recommended that the Hint System be set to Yes initially, so that you become accustomed to the various actions possible and how to trigger them, especially if you are experimenting with different key bindings. Subtitles: If set to Yes, text subtitles will be shown under spoken text. Motion Blur: This setting allows the use of motion blurring if set to On. That one link led me to all sorts of other wonderful tweaking guides by Koroush Ghazi. Follow the instructions to save the two .htm files to your Program Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3pb folder. i upgraded to a i5 2400k and now my gpu runs at 99% almost all of the time on bf3. Additionally, you can select Auto which allows BF3 to attempt to automatically adjust the various settings to suit your system's detected specifications. The improvement from Low to Medium is quite obvious, while High adds more detail in turn, but any subsequent difference between High and Ultra is difficult to see. Stereoscopic 3D: Battlefield 3 now supports stereoscopic 3D. Edit the file using Windows Notepad or Wordpad, entering each command on a separate line. SSAO is Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, which is a relatively less intensive - and less accurate - method, while HBAO is the NVIDIA-developed Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion solution, which is much more realistic, but comes at a greater cost in performance. For example if your monitor runs at 60hz it can only show up to 60FPS. If you've enabled Vertical Sync, Triple Buffering can be useful in preventing a drop in FPS, but Triple Buffering can also reduce responsiveness on some systems, even with VSync disabled. If you wish to apply any console command automatically at startup, create a new text file and rename it to User.cfg. -Start the game This will restore the default bf3 settings.and it might fix your problem Ultra is primarily designed for people using multi-GPU setups, and for most people the bump in image quality isn't worth the major decline in performance over High. However if you look closely at the two white mounds at the bottom of the screenshots, just to the left of the player's hand, you can clearly see that as this setting is increased, the tips of the hills go from being angular to smoother and more rounded. Sluggish and Unresponsive Mouse. Medium is recommended as a good balance between image quality and performance. However my Processor seems to be so bad, that with the new graphics card it bottlenecks my system and infact bf3 runs worse than with my old amd radeon 5770. Ambient Occlusion: HBAO- More modern than SSAO and doesn't require as many resources as it did in BC2. A quad core won't have problems maxing out the game if you have a powerful enough video card. Messages: 6 Likes Received: 0 GPU: MSI GTX 670 Power Edition. You can also disable Triple Buffering as covered in the Advanced Tweaking section. If you disable all our particles and all our shadows it becomes like Quake 3 arena. You would need Hex Editor to change the values. Meanwhile Texture Quality rises and Anisotropic Filtering reaches its maximum of 16x, making surfaces much more detailed throughout. Rens_Future New Member. Fullscreen Monitor: If you have multiple monitors, this setting allows you to select which one to use as your primary display monitor for BF3. Battlefield 3, or BF3 (development code-name: 'Paris') is the twelfth installment in the Battlefield Series and was developed by DICE. At High, the biggest change is the added depth and realism in the scene due to more accurate shadowing via the implementation of HBAO, along with the improved detail which High Shadow Quality brings. The primary method for accessing Frostbite 2's advanced functionality is via the command console. Vertical Sync: Vertical Synchronization (VSync) is the synchronization of your graphics card and monitor's abilities to redraw an image on the screen a number of times each second, measured in Hz. Finally, there is the Custom option, which when selected, allows access to all of the individual graphics options, letting you to customize your graphics to achieve the best compromise between image quality and performance. Shadows: Medium- Even at low settings everything in the game casts a dynamic shadow. 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battlefield 3 best settings