mckibben argues that

According to the text, it is often useful to evaluate characters in a literary text the way you might analyze a real person. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. Nothing of consequence would be lost by getting rid of timed tests by the College Board or, indeed, by universities in general. probate hearing." Brief of Appellant, at 10. For those jobs that require speed, timed tests are useful (Gardner 23). . This number becomes more chilling when we realize that the global population in 1950 was 2.5 billion (Cohen, 2010, p. 173). (Check all that apply): (1) The soldiers are unprepared for war. Which is the better thesis? What could be derived from the author's naming of the character Arnold Friend? While the stated purpose of the dogs in Disgrace is the protection of the farm, the dogs are representative of several characters and symbolize Lurie's disgrace. McKibben reports that recently a major fossil fuel company said it would spend 1/100 of its budget to back the fight for a carbon tax of $40 for a ton of oil, but climate scientists believe that such a tax would not have enough of an effect at this point. What are ways to logically support a position? The author's preoccupation with alienation can be attributed to ________. McKibben explains that although there have been other times in the history of the Earth when carbon dioxide has gone into the atmosphere in greater amounts, there has not been a time when it has gone into the atmosphere at such high speed. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: while Aristotelean arguments focus on the validity of their point while addressing counterarguments, Rogerian arguments focus on compromise in order to establish common ground, Matching questions on Chapter 7 - Argument. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Her fiction celebrates survival and defines black identity as multifaceted." Noted author and co-founder Bill McKibben was among the first to celebrate word that the president of the European Investment Bank on Wednesday openly declared, "To put it mildly, gas is over"--an admission that squares with what climate experts and economists have been saying for years if not decades.. Dr. Werner Hoyer, president of the EIB--the investment bank publicly owned by the . The novel's protagonists - Shadrack, Nel/Sula, and the community of people who live in the Bottomrepresent an anti-war theme through overlapping and connected plots (Reddy 31). However, scholarship in the 2010s showed that, while climate events do affect climate-induced migration, they are not the only factor: sea-level rise, higher temperatures, and disruption of water cycles, known collectively as "climate processes," are perhaps more significant push factors than climate events. The relationship between Connie and her mother is mostly ________. Doing well in college has very little to do with the ability to finish a test within a particular period of time (Gardner 23). Morrison's characters defy description as either fundamentally good or evil; like all of us, they are fundamentally flawed humans struggling in the world, sometimes more successfully and sometimes less so. Pay close attention to punctuation. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Some are good and some are bad, but most of them are bits of both. With these words, environmental activist Bill McKibben launched a radical and moral broadside against the fossil-fuel industry and its contributions to climate change in Rolling Stone magazine in 2012. Pay close attention to punctuation and wording in the quotation. For example, he reports that (select all that apply): (1) destruction of habitat has made sixty percent of wildlife extinct (2) coral reefs have shrunken and will soon be even smaller, one-tenth of what they are now, (3) birds which make their homes at high altitudes are becoming extinct because of heat. The story is called "Everyday Use" because ________. On appeal, Fred McKibben argues only that the Kansas proceedings were inadequate because the charges of undue influence in the drafting and execution of the will were "overshadowed by discussion concerning the inability of appellant's counsel to appear at the initial . Sula's beginning and ending are circular: The opening chapter tells about the death of a neighborhood, the Bottom while the ending finds Nel in a cemetery finally dealing with her grief for Sula (Reddy 29). true McKibben argues that the reality of climate change is too far gone and that there is little hope that the human species will survive. According to the story, what is a soldier's greatest fear? The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Hematologic or Immunologic Dysfunction (Exam, Week 5: Depressive Disorders CHP 25, Cognitiv, NURSING CARE OF CLIENTS WITH DISORDERS RELATE. For what good is it to build a multibillion-dollar rapid transit system when a few decades from now it may be underwater? Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: (Lister). These three protagonists are at the centers of different but overlapping and intricately interconnected plots that in turn convey various aspects of [the novel's] anti-war theme." The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "Pillow Talk" by Alisdair Gray and "Everything is Green" by David Foster Wallace. brings him rotting food, such as moldy cheese and decayed vegetables. --Toni Morrison, Sula, page 119 The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. In the assigned readings for today, McKibben explicitly argues that: D In the assigned McKibben reading, the author explains that Americans tend to earn more money than Europeans because Americans live to work, and work many more hours per year than Europeans McKibben writes of our Earth's environmental cataclysm, addressing such core issues as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the depletion of the ozone layer. Javi's mother has done many jobs, including (check all that apply): (1) selling water bottles by the side of the road (2) taking care of children. But the larger and healthier and more diverse our bird populations are, the greater the chances that many species will survive, even thrive. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: The only job of writers who analyze a work using comparison and contrast is write a list of comparisons and contrasts in their papers. "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. In each pair of sentences below, one of the sentences adds detail to the other. Each man in the Bottom has his own circle of sorrow. Because it is poorly regulated, big game hunting is responsible for the decline of endangered species and congress should ban the importation of big game trophies into the United States. the capable girl of nine in the first part of the story. A conventional approach might collapse these goals into a plan to directly challenge specific targets, as when a labor campaign elicits public support to unionize a workplace or an environmental campaign seeks to shut down a specific pipeline. article, p. 173 Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. (2) Relevance: How closely related to your topic is the text and how well does it clarify your topic? Illustration by John Watson. Both Sylvia and Rosaura are confident about themselves and their roles in their societies. When Sula dons a green ribbon, however, Ajax reads this as a sign of her burgeoning dependence on him. . Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Namely, where others argued for industry-wide controls on carbon without demonizing any particular industry, McKibbens radical flank portrayed the fossil-fuel industry as a public enemy and called for its extermination. The negative radical flank effect creates a backlash from opposing groups. Federal regulations on water pollution must be stricter to protect the public from dangerous chemicals released into waterways through farming, factories, and other sources. Question 9 Selected Answer: False Response Feedback: Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. What are some questions the text says you might consider in analyzing a character? The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on the topic water quality. Epstein argues these strong correlations between per-capita fossil fuel use and increasing life expectancy is causal, and that studies that ignore the benefits of fossil fuels are carried out by immoral activists. Without her mockery affection for others sank into flaccid disrepair. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: And though some may argue that, whatever his shortcomings, McKibben should at least be commended for arguing for action, this argument is undermined by McKibben's approach which, at best . --Toni Morrison, Sula, page 158 Haines first studied this in the context of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Although Sula is reviled in her neighborhood, her death clearly leaves a void in the community, where mothers "had nothing to rub up against" (Morrison 153) that would make them feel superior. Dee decides to change her name to Wangero because ________. She also has addressed historical issues such as nineteenth-century slavery. Auden's poem "Musee des Beaux Arts" accurately interprets the theme of Brueghel's painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. In a literary analysis essay, the thesis statement makes an assertion that the rest of the paper must prove. Why is Connie alone in the house when Arnold Friend visits her? Students should never use Wikipedia in their research process. " 5 out of 5 points True False. (Choose all that apply): examples, statistics, syllogisms, expert testimony. But the environment alone may not persuade most people to consider having just one child, as eighty percent of Americans have siblings. By his way of dressing, Arnold Friend seems to be attempting ________. A good place for students to begin their research process is the college's library and database archive. Several metamorphoses occur in the story; in other words, several characters change. Javi tells the painter that when the police ask him whether he is Mexican, he replies that ________. They are suspicious of each other; the boss is reproachful. the adult who was the yearning boy of five in the first part of the story. The difference between Aristotelean arguments and Rogerian arguments is that ________. When Helene and Nel enter the train car for white people in error and the conductor asks to "get [their] butts on in" to the black train car, ________. William Ernest McKibben (born December 8, 1960) [1] is an American environmentalist, author, and journalist who has written extensively on the impact of global warming. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: --Kelly Winters, "Critical Essay on Sula," database article with no page numbers Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? This is a story about intergenerational trauma because (check all that apply): the children in the second part of the story are abused because of their father's trauma. all of the details in the paragraph relate to the main point of the paragraph. Explain. she does not want to be named after the people who oppress her. Body paragraphs in an essay must be unified, which means that ________. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number This is because even if we take a conservative estimate, that is "half a child more than assumed in the U.N.'s medium projection," world population will grow to 10.5 billion by 2050 (Cohen, 2010, p. 173). Gardner explains that few tasks in life require being able to read passages quickly or solve math problems quickly (23). Her novels reflect the workings of communities, the dilemmas faced by these families, and the problems encountered in their relationships. Some strategies for achieving coherence in a paper include (check all that apply): (1) repeating keywords from the thesis (2) using transition words and phrases (3) using pronouns that clearly refer to the characters being discussed (4) ordering paragraphs and details within paragraphs in a logical way. his own biographical reality with his family, religion, and country. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number To whom did the author dedicate this story? Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 When Gregor comes out of his room, Gregor's father________. His new book, which offers some dark visions of the future and hope for real change, is called. Which of these sentences makes the most effective emotional appeal (an appeal to pathos)? Her novels reflect the workings of communities, the dilemmas faced by these families, and the problems encountered in their relationships. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Thus, the battle cry of divestment became a call for prudent attention to financial risk. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. But in doing a network text analysis of news articles, we found that by other measures the effort has been a success. At first, the painter thinks that Javi is there to ________. (1) Sula: leaves the Bottom and comes back 10 years later (2) Nel: gets married and has children (3) Helene: Nel's mother (4) Hannah: Sula's mother (5) Eva: Sula's grandmother (6) Shadrack: WWI veteran who founds National Suicide Day (7) Ajax: Sula's lover (8) Jude: Nel's husband. By celebrating National Suicide Day, Shadrack had hoped to ward off the shock that death might bring, but after Sula's death, "he began to suspect that all those years of rope hauling and bell ringing were never going to do any good" (Morrison 158). Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 with no page numbers, quote is from paragraph 14 Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. when he slips from Sula's hands as she swings him and he falls into the river. Solar panels are a means of democratizing access to energy. For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. --Alejandro Portes and Ariel C. Armony, The Global Edge, 2018, p. 176 Similes and metaphors establish comparisons between two dissimilar things. The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on the topic big game hunting. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Example: Most sports have rules of conduct. Whose point of view does the story present? Pay close attention to punctuation. with his mother, father, and sister traveling together on a day off. --IPCC, "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C," p. 4 . For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. Subgenres of drama include tragedy and comedy. It is Public Enemy Number One to the survival of our planetary civilization.. Reddy argues for one possible reading of Sula as an anti-war novel (31). . he will take his father on; he will face his father, in a fist fight if necessary. A prevalent theme in Sula is the influence of family and friends on the characters. The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. Nothing of consequence would be lost by getting rid of timed tests by the College Board or, indeed, by universities in general. For example, he says that (check all that apply): Selected Answers: crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away Gardner writes, "As a teacher I want my students to read and write; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments" (23). Auden's poem accurately interprets Brueghel's painting, demonstrating the point of the painting: Far from being innocent about the suffering of others, we turn away and pretend to be oblivious. Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. The difference between the low projection of 8 billion in 2050 and the high projection of 10.5 billion in 2050 is 2.5 billion, which was the total world population in 1950. Which of the following is a simile? (1) Currency: How recently was the text published and how does that affect its accuracy and content. Which is the better thesis statement? --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number This means that policies such as cap and trade, energy research subsidies, and reduction of power plant emissions should be implemented. Both relationships seem doomed despite the differing responses by the wives to their husbands' expressed desire for connection and communication. Bill McKibben is one of civilization's most civilized critics. This means that oil drilling has a positive effect on wildlife (2) Non-sequitur: Scientists say that global warming is a problem, but I'm holding a snowball in my hand; clearly, there is no global warming (3) Straw-man: Environmental initiatives are socialist policies. McKibben argues that the ethic of many American politicians and business people is based on Ayn Rand s philosophy regarding the virtue of selfishness. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara and "The Stolen Party" by Liliana Hecker. (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). Which of the following sentences makes a plausible statement about the novel's theme? Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: The text argues that rather than being impartial, students should aim to be multi-partial, inhabiting as many positions on their topic as they can. When the mother, Aanakwad, leaves with the sister in the first part of the story, the young boy ________. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: "Despite its title, Sula actually has three protagonists: Shadrack, Sula/Nel, and the community of black people who live in the Bottom. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: McKibben argues that the reality of climate change is too far gone and that there is little hope that the human species will survive. Which sentence seems most true about the nature of Sula and Nel's situation? Before his death, Kafka instructed his friend Max Brod to ________. McKibben argues that the unique view many Americans have of the Bible is revealing. Their mothers, in turn, have been shaped by their own mothers, in a chain reaction passing through the generations.-- Kelly Winters, "Critical Essay on Sula," database article with no page numbers . Sula wears a purple and white belt. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. At the beginning of the story, we find ________. (4) Authority: What is the ethos of the author and the publisher? The radical flank effect and our findings offer some critical insights for social activists. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 31 Exhibiting a phenomenon in the social sciences called the radical flank effect, McKibben and have dramatically altered the climate change debate in the United States. her belief that Plum is regressing to babyhood and she is not willing to raise him again. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Arguing that birds are more likely to adapt to serious climatic changes, Franzen (2015) wrote that although many birds have adapted in the past, the larger and healthier and more diverse our bird populations are, the greater the chances that many species will survive, even thrive. 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mckibben argues that