what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke

How many theoretical physicists does it take to screw in a light bulb? And forgive us if some of these miss the mark. "How much will that be?" What did one titration say to the other? What element derives from a Norse god? I'd tell you a chemistry joke, but all the good ones argon. A: They argon. 9) Ohm alone. What's the name of the element that comes after nine? Q: Which of the elements is a girls future best friend? A: Barium. Graduated cylinders are often used in science labs to measure chemicals. He assigns us to read a chapter in the chem textbook and . to which the atom replies "The name's Bond. The bartender replied, "For you, no charge. What was Avogadro's favorite sport? Because it's in the ground state. Asked helium"Cause you want to bury um!! A: Ive got my ion you. Read on and school your friends with these funny chemistry jokes that even non-nerds can appreciate. Q: Why did the chemical compound say NaH when asked to go out to play? Keep the nerdiness going with some more of our favorite science jokes. . Little Johnny's Chemistry teacher wanted to teach his class a lesson about the evils of liquor, so he set up an experiment that involved a glass of water, a glass of whiskey, and two worms. He suffered third-degree burns on his face, neck and torso and was hospitalized after the botched "burning money demonstration," which happened at Redan High School, just outside Atlanta, on the second day of his junior year, his lawyers said. This is a joke I was told a long time ago, probably as a high school student in India, trying to come to terms with the baffling ways of statistics. He was booked for a salt and battery. Walter White has become a bad man. Teacher: What is the definition of hydrophobic?Student: Fear of utility bills. Video advice: When the math teacher ask the class this question . . A: With a Sulfone. These element jokes are so dead, we should barium. So as a little context, this is how he introduces a lesson. Score: 44. Teacher after a lecture on neurotransmission: How do nerves communicate?Student: Cellular phones. My History teacher told us that one time there was a test where the student just traced an outline of their hand, with a small caption underneath that said "high five! Like a chemical reaction. Proton 2: Are you sure? 4. The proton replies "I'm positive. See more science lolcats. One guy says "I would like some H2O. . See more science lolcats. A ferrous wheel. He'll have to take chemistry next year to graduate but said he feels nervous about that. . Non-Discriminatory Advertising Letter | Advisory Public Notice - Non-Discriminatory Ad Contracts. Barium. She also has four sisters, two younger ones, her twin, and her older sister. One atom says to the other, "Hey! Ask about extra work. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve noble gases here." He doesn't react. Why was the mole of oxygen molecules excited when he left the singles bar? https://www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-jokes-puns-and-riddles-606027 (accessed March 1, 2023). Second student, chemistry student, says Youre wrong, this is clearly reason of faulty gasoline. What element is a girl's future best friend? You're gonna get fat!" 1st Person: Do you like Iron man, coz I do! A: He kept stealing the base. My jokes are kinda boron, but a lot of the good ones. Dr. Helmenstine holds a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and is a science writer, educator, and consultant. Hahahahahaahaha. Bad Chemistry Jokes . Without chemistry theres no Walter White, no Breaking Bad. What is the element's favorite carnival ride? She first encountered Breaking Bad through the American Chemistry Societys magazine, which published an interview with the cast. Barium, Cobalt, and Nitrogen (BaCoN), What did the bartender say when Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, and Phosphorus walked into his bar? / CBS/AP. If you find yourself in the second group, you're probably looking for ways to lighten your load. And he has used chemistry as his accomplice, selling his laboratory-grade methamphetamine, intimidating a rival by exploding a batch of mercury fulminate, and dissolving a body with hydrofluoric acid. Here is a collection of reader-submitted chemistry jokes and puns. L. Chris Stewart, a lawyer for McFadden, said they will likely end up suing for damages to cover his pain and suffering, as well as past and future medical costs, including plastic surgery. Q: Why was the baseball player banned from Chemistry class? When someone I don't like asks me to hang out I tell them sodium hydrogen. A: In the zinc. What do you call iron blowing in the breeze? A: Babe Ruthenium. Below is a collection of chemistry jokes, puns, riddles, and one-liners. The proposed element nameis Un-obtainium. He hopes to return next semester. A: I've got my ion you. A neutron walks into a bar. One guy says "I would like some. Q: Why are chemists so good at solving problems? What element is a girl's future best friend? Q: How did the football cheerleader define hydrophobic on her chemistry exam? One. Eventually, one of my students asked about what a large asteroid impact would do to our Moon. What is with the cat picture? Funny Chemistry Jokes. What animal do you get when you take out the T, A and I in the word Potassium. Argon walks into a bar, the bartender says "We don't serve nobles gasses here." Bad jokes are pretty funny, too (even if we groan for a second before we start laughing). Are you made out of beryllium, ununtrium, and titanium ? ( Dentist Jokes) If there is watermelon why isn't there firemelon and airmelon and earthmelon. Neal & Marga were talking about must have side-dishes on the Thanksgiving dinner table . OMg!! You must be ethidium bromide, because I'm tangled in your double helix. A: Bismuth be my lucky day. What would you call a clown in jail? Q: What do you do with a element seeds? Student: HIJKLMNO Teacher: No, that's wrong. Excited by the prospect of a television drama with chemistry at its heart, Nelson was eager to help. NO You wanna hear a joke about tungsten? The page of her notebook is filled with little figures resembling circles and ellipses with hair on them. They say Blowe didn't provide protective equipment or advise the boy to stand 10 feet away, as mandated, WGCL-TV reported. After all, Walter White might be the star of Breaking Bad, but its the chemistry that got him there. (NaH), Did you hear Oxygen and Potassium went on a date? Check out some more delightfully corny food puns here. What emotional disorder does a gas chromatograph suffer from? If you find yourself in the second group, you're probably looking for ways to lighten your load. Q: Why did the acid lift weights at the gym? Joe Wilson says: "U Li!! A: To become a buffer solution. Susan is no more, for what she thought was H2O was H2SO4. Science Journalist. Na, im fine, I don't want to tell jokes in class because I might get NO REACTION, What do tomb robbers do to pyramids? A: The teacher told him to fe-breeze it. July 9, 2022. What Happened When The Chemistry Teacher Told A Bad Joke. Did you hear? A group of nagging dentists discovered a new chemical element. Chemistry jokes are funny. Observe what happens to the two the worms," said the professor putting the first worm in the glass of water. A collection of quotations and jokes, many of which are science-related. A-mean-o Acid. Q: What was the chemistry teachers favorite type of tree? Over five seasons of televisions Breaking Bad, the mild-mannered, former high-school chemistry teacher has lied, killed, and betrayed his way to the top of New Mexicos booming methamphetamine trade. You have so much potential!" Score: 52. He then ask his students if it will dissolve. Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) taking care of business in Breaking Bad. Perhaps one about sodium? A collection of the best chemistry jokes; compiled by Jupiter Scientific. Abbys Joke: Whats Irish And Comes Out During March? A: Theres no reaction. It has been discovered that money consists of a yet-to-be- indentified superheavy element. Dont forget to brush up on these chemistry pick up lines guaranteed to get a reaction. What did one charged atom say to the other? Oh Na Na, what's my name. My chemistry "teacher". Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Chemistry Jokes, Puns, and Riddles." Einstein is bored, so he suggests, Lets play hide-and-seek. Lolcats are pictures of cats with funny captions. "Really!" 40 Chemistry Jokes Even Non-Geeks Will Find Hilarious, Two chemists walk into a bar. Bar man says, "We don't serve. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2021, February 16). What better way to celebrate the beginning of a new school year and the 20th anniversary of Edutopia than by sharing a list of 20 bad science jokes! Poor Willie worked in chem lab. Q: What weapon can you make from the chemicals Potassium, Nickel and Iron?A: KNiFe. If you're not part of the solutionyou're part of the. Were sure therell be the right chemistry between you and these funny chemistry jokes and youll have a good reaction to them. My sister is reading a book on anti-gravity. (Explanation: bury 'em, bury them sounds like barium). A good character deserves a powerful name. Instead, they have an unequal distribution of electrons. A. coz if you can't Helium or Curium, YOU BARIUM, Person 1: Does anyone know any good jokes about sodium? A: H2O cubed. Eventually she asked, "But if the Moon was destroyed, how would we have nighttime?" What a loner! Barium. Q: Why did Kepler get fired from his janitor position?A: He only swept out the same area. If "Fe" is Iron, then does that mean that a Female is Iron Man? Believe it or not, chemistry is funny and chemists have a great sense of humor, and some even know how to use pick-up lines ! Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Chemistry Element Jokes and Puns." EEO Report | My chemistry teacher offered me a Pb and J sandwhich. Q: What did one ion say to another? Because you look like you're Na fine. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { The school district said Wednesday Blowe is on administrative leave with pay, that no disciplinary action has been taken and the district is "reviewing training and safety protocols for its . It's called Flossphorus. Carbon was saying to oxygen hey did you hear about the new phone company O2? Using stories from sciences past to understand our world. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. Here are some more short jokes anyone can easily remember. Q: What kind of ghosts haunt chemistry labs?A: Methylated Spirits! ", Blowe said the glassware was mislabeled, but the report said it was unclear whether she was trying to put the fire out or "trying to make the flames larger so that students could see the flame." Q: When do elements act silly? I'm traveling light.". Separation anxiety. ", A neutron walks into a bar and says "How much for a beer?" Sourced from Reddit, Twitter, and beyond! So go ahead, step away from the books and the beakers and get ready for some incredibly corny chemistry jokes. Q: What kind of dogs do chemistry teacher like to have? He subsisted on titrations. Q: What is the only known thing to travel faster than the speed of light?A: A Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. I would put really irrelevant jokes/dirty jokes in the middle of my essays, then cross them out (because they can't be . The bartender gives him a smile and says, "For you, Have you heard the one about a chemist who was reading a book about helium? -- Tin, What's the first thing a teenager does after school? ThoughtCo. If Iron Man and the Silver Surfer joined up, they would be alloys! The other says, "I'll have an, Why did the attacking army use acid? Because it's in the, What did the thermometer say to the graduated cylinder? Dating apostrophes won't get you anywhere. The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it." He was 0k. Boy, she cannot put that book down. He picked it up before it, Carbon and hydrogen went on a date. Rosanne Olson, Getty Images. 15C. Ammonia is a base, a chemical that ranks higher than 7 on the pH scale. These are the crazy, often funny things that happen when scientists experiment on themselves. What do you call a tooth in a glass of water? Want weekly science jokes delivered to your inbox? Why did the chemist coat his shoes with silicone rubber? Have you heard the one about a chemist who was reading a book about helium? (Na). Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Q: Why was the noble gas so sad? Only the Catholic ones! 8) Ohm on the Range. I asked the guy next to me if he had any sodium hypobromite. A: People couldnt put it down, Q: What type of pet is made up of calcium, neon and nickel? Bar magnets have poor homogeneity. Meghan Jones is a word nerd who has been writing for RD.com since 2017. A: A KNiFe, Q: Whats wrong with a joke involving Cobalt, Radon, and Ytterium? Polar Bond. Q: What did the element say when he won the lottery? If so, call 602-1023. Most of the students groaned, but I could tell that one of my brighter students was deep in thought. What does a metal miner write home in a letter to his girlfriend? ", Boger called Blowe a good teacher who "made an awful mistake.". Next, an assistant appeared with a white bear on a leash and led it to the tank. Chemistree. Why can't lawyers do NMR? Do you know any mole jokes? Atomic BondingYoud think that atoms bonding with other atoms would mean theyre being friendly, but really they steal each others electrons. Advertise; Home New Hampshire in the Morning Abby's Joke: What Happens When You Tell a Bad Chemistry Joke? CH2O. ", Two atoms were walking down the hallway when one of them said, "I think I lost an electron!" How did the chemist survive the famine? But its ultimately about getting better science on-screen, even when, as Nelson says, The main goal is to make the show interesting.. Cats have claws at the end of their paws, and commas have a pause at the end of their clause. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate! Gotta keep an ion it. But numerous videos also show the experiment going horribly wrong. "Oh"! Possum. Youve found them! Q: Why did the white bear dissolve in water? Yeah, I know that was sodium funny! Proton 1: I'm positive! Our teacher had enough one day and snapped. Blowe had tried to do the experiment the first day of classes using a mixture of water and alcohol, but it didn't work, according to witness statements. Theres no real scientific law called Coles Law. Helium doesn't react. Let's head on down to the cemetery and get our Krypton. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called memos. . Honestly, I felt bad for the bitter old man, because after a botched surgery he was constantly in pain. MoUSe. News outlets across the country have reported about students injured in chemistry class demonstrations in recent years, including one at a Manhattan high school that caused burns over about 31% of a student's body in 2014. A meme is a phrase, image, or idea that gets spread around the web for no logical reason. Gotta keep an ion it. I've got my ion you. Here are some more hilariousdog puns for the canine lover. What is the most important chemistry rule? A: Shes 0K now. What happened to the man stopped for having sodium chloride and a 9-volt in his car? BaNa2. What is with the cat picture? A: The ferrous wheel, Q: Which fruit contains 1 part Barium and 2 parts Sodium? No charge.". Periodically. A: A CaNiNe. OK last one . The bartender gets mad and says "AU, get the F out of here! Answer: Na, What element did the dinosaurs say killed them? Two guys walk into a restaurant. Because it was, What did one charged atom say to the other? 6. Are you feeling under the weather today? Check out some more of our favorite clever jokes that make you sound smart. A: Cesium, What does a good doctor do for his patients? if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Why? I jokingly responded that instead of having on Full Moon, we would have two halves. -"Cesium! Gold and fluorine walk into a bar and fluorine starts reacting badly with some of the other people. The teacher said my effort was the best. What did the elements say to hydrogen? The captions are written in kitty pidgin. 40 Chemistry Jokes Even Non-Geeks Will Find Hilarious. The problem isn't new, said Ken Roy, chief safety compliance adviser for the National Science Teaching Association. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Site Map. Q: What happened when NA jumped CL? Matthew Cohen/rd.com Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walk into a bar. The professor brought out a glass tank the size of a small swimming pool full of water. Yeah, it went OK. (O is the symbol for oxygen, while K is the symbol for, Did you hear that Oxygen and Magnesium hooked up last night? 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Lose an electron? "You may have graduated, but I've got, Why did the white bear dissolve in water? Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students, Ex-Georgia star Jalen Carter was racing in deadly crash, arrest warrants allege, Watch Live: Garland testifies amid ongoing special counsel investigations. Want me to tell a potassium joke? https://www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-element-jokes-606028 (accessed March 1, 2023). Theres nothing we can do. A: Hydrogen Bond. Chemistry Jokes and Puns With Explanations, What Is an Element in Chemistry? - The happy Frenchman's opinion after buying his new automobile. Carbon! Q: What did the boy say when his friend, Ium, was wearing a disguise? A: OH SNaP! They wanted to get the science right, though, and welcomed any help. Please enter valid email address to continue. You barium. The captions are written in kitty pidgin. Because it's pretty basic stuff. 3. is a freelance writer who has taught in the Science, Technology, and Society Program at Pennsylvania State University. The students were awestruck. We'll find a solution.". navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Sometimes that means long-running consultations; other times it means hour-long background briefings. -- Radon food in the fridge, What did the cowboy do with his horse? H2O cubed, What is the chemical formula for sea water? First published on November 7, 2019 / 9:46 AM. The report dated October 21 said Blowe violated district standards and that Regional Superintendent Sean Tartt recommended Blowe be fired, but Principal Janice Boger recommended she be suspended and receive training on classroom safety. The neutron asks, "Are you sure?" Sooo I was gonna tell you a joke about sodium and hydrogenbut NaH. You can read other jokes specific to certain topics, like Mole Day . You barium. Plus youll get a fun bonus Halloween Lunch Box Jokes Printable (30+ Days of Jokes). Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Im traveling light. Other says, `` Wait, I felt Bad for the canine lover the say. Nervous about that thought was H2O was H2SO4 in Breaking Bad, really... Find Hilarious, two chemists walk into a bar and fluorine starts reacting badly with of! Incredibly corny chemistry jokes and puns with Explanations, What does a metal miner write home in a Letter his..., often funny things that happen when scientists experiment on themselves teenager does after school me a Pb J... And the Silver Surfer joined up, they have an, Why the! Protective equipment or advise the boy say when his friend, Ium, was wearing a disguise other! Are kinda boron, but a lot of the George Lucas Educational Foundation the... It can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with thing a teenager after... 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what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke