what is exogamy marriage

There are skin names within these large communities, and marriages are made between skin names. brideservice The rule that requires marriage to a person within ones own group (kin, caste, community). But, while marriage and families may be virtually universal, this does not mean that marriage and family customs are the same across cultures. As stated, there are many exogamy examples within the native peoples of North America and Australia. How do you pronounce that? lower rates of premarital sex (Apostolou 2017). Since the family is the major context in which children learn and grow, it would not be surprising if the type and form of family did not have important impacts on human development. An example is the recessive alpha-thalessemia allele which helps individuals escape the more serious effects of malaria. Divorce rate? Caste exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own caste. Unless people can marry within their kin group, which is usually not commonly allowed in unilineal societies, none of the cousins on your mothers side will be in your patrilineal kin group. Generally, more societies in the ethnographic record forbid first cousin marriage than permit it. In fact, in many parts of the world, there are strong social norms against marrying within ones own family or social group. Two or more women are married to one man at the same time. A pattern of marital residence in which couples typically live with or near the wifes parents. For example, there may be six skin names in a given indigenous language group (native groups are defined by language). Only 31% of societies have full individual choice.2. About 75% of societies known to anthropology involve at least one explicit and substantial transaction related to marriage, and most societies have more than one transaction (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011b). document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Ancient Maya 2012. For three of these days, the bride is secluded and cannot be exposed to the sun. Note which cousins are parallel and cross-cousins for the male listed as ego.. 2018). legend In addition, while extended families are associated with agriculture and sedentariness, the associations are very not very strong (Pasternak, Ember, and Ember 1976). The opposite of exogamy is endogamyor the practice of marrying from within one's social unit. Such lineages may in turn be grouped into clans or moieties. And of those that have substantial economic transactions, bride price or bridewealth is the most common, followed by bride service. Racial exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own race. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Polyandry, the opposite of polygyny (one woman, multiple husbands) is exceedingly rare, with only a handful of societies having it as an important form of marriage.4 While the specific arrangements vary from culture to culture, a few types of polygyny are usually distinguishedlimited polygyny, general sororal polygyny (co-wives are sisters), and general non-sororal polygyny (co-wives are not sisters).5 As its name suggests, limited polygyny means that it is only occasionally practiced in a society, whereas general polygyny indicates that it is more common. Specifically, your cross-cousins are your mothers brothers children and your fathers sisters children. Some scholars have argued that endogamy is inherently discriminatory against women, since it allows men from each tribe to choose which women they will marry. By exchanging spouses between groups, individuals were able to forge alliances and build relationships with members of other groups. Hunter-gatherers in recent times overwhelmingly have arranged marriage (Apostolou 2007), strongly suggesting that it was probably the ancestral pattern in human history (Apostolou 2014). There was a time when this practice was frowned upon, if not outright illegal, However, in recent years attitudes towards interracial marriage have become more accepting and the practice has become commonplace. An increase in kinship relationships (the bond of being related). Incompatible activities make it difficult for one gender to do the needed work (Pasternak, Ember, and Ember 1976). Research has found that. More geographically isolated societies are more likely to allow cousin marriage (Hoben, Buunk, and Fisher 2016). It maintains healthy levels of diversity in the genetic pool. It is one of the most common marriage practices in the world, and it has been observed in societies all over the globe There also may be broader societal consequences. Increasing the genetic diversity of the offspring improves the chances of offspring reproducing, up until the fourth-cousin level of relatedness; however, reproduction between individuals on the fourth-cousin level of relatedness decreases evolutionarily fitness. The female-biased sex ratio theory may also explain why polygyny is relatively rare in very complex societies. Quinlan and Quinlan (2007) suggest that If the presence of both a husband and a wife is not critical for raising a child, staying in an unwanted marriage is not as necessary for successful child-rearing. Therefore, reproductively speaking, it is to a mans advantage to marry multiple unrelated women. This type of marriage is common in many cultures around the world, as it helps to prevent inbreeding and promote genetic diversity within a community. Compromise: Marriage requires compromise . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'anthropologyreview_org-leader-4','ezslot_9',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anthropologyreview_org-leader-4-0');Ethnic exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own ethnic group. Indeed, as mentioned above, polygyny is also associated with a large discrepancy in age of marriage (M. Ember 1984) and both conditions explain polygyny better than one condition alone. To be an extended family household, members need not live in the same dwelling. The exchange of men or women served as a uniting force between groups. There is enormous cross-cultural variation in the tolerance of marriage to cousins. Unfortunately, they did not measure family in exactly the same way as Nimkoff and Middleton (they termed their variable family complexity and included societies with considerable polygyny in the same category with extended family households. But recognition does not necessarily mean an elaborate ceremony. Endogamous marriage is marriage between people of the same group - such as occurred incestuous royal marriages in history. This would result in a patchwork of small plots of land controlled by different groups. anthropology dictionary On the other hand, bride price. It is a legally recognized union between two or more people, typically involving a commitment to shared responsibilities and privileges. It is also important to note that science has taught us that exogamy is a way to prevent inbreeding and genetic defects within a community. The Inuit are North American indigenous peoples living in a moiety composed of totem (defined by animal names) groups that are made up of many smaller tribes. The religion of Islam insists that daughters must inherit in addition to sons (although daughters receive only half the amount as sons). Members of each half of the moiety may only marry someone from the other half of the moiety. Affiliations: Structural Determinants of Differential Divorce Rates., Sexual Selection Under Parental Choice: The Role of Parents in the Evolution of Human Mating., Sexual Selection Under Parental Choice: A Revision to the Model., Individual Mate Choice in an Arranged Marriage Context: Evidence from the Standard Cross-cultural Sample., Bride Theft and Raiding for Wives in Cross-Cultural Perspective., Explaining Cross-National Differences in Polygyny Intensity., Solidarity, Stratification and Sentiment: The Unilateral Cross-Cousin Marriage According to the Theories of Levi-Strauss, Leach, and Homans and Schneider., Causes of Conjugal Dissolution: A Cross-cultural Study., Societal Complexity and Familial Complexity: Evidence for the Curvilinear Hypothesis., Nuclear Vs. Extended Family, Monogamy Vs. Polygyny: Democracy Vs. Non-Democracy? Might this variation help us test theories about the conditions under which marriage is important? First, most of the more stable bonding species lacked any division of labor, casting doubt on the division of labor theory. The main types of exogamy are: Cultural exogamy can lead to friction within marriage if the two cultures are too distinct or if the partners in the marriage cannot agree on the behaviors within the marriage. The alloparenting explanation may also help us understand Minturn, Grosse, and Haider (1969) s earlier finding that divorce is more readily obtained in societies with extended family households inasmuch as such families undoubtedly have more people to help with childcare. In some cases, this cultural friction is neutralized by the understanding that the one given to the marriage (often a bride given to another tribe) is to accept the culture of the one whose tribe the first entered (often the groom's tribe). While there is considerable research on the type of marriage and the conditions associated with it, aside from some research on aloofness/intimacy there is relatively little known about the quality of the marital relationship. Genomic transformation and social organization during the Copper Age-Bronze Age transition in southern . Polygyny is generally associated with, Moderate levels of societal complexity as indicated by (Osmond 1965). Claude Lvi-Strauss introduced the "Alliance Theory" of exogamy,[12] that is, that small groups must force their members to marry outside so as to build alliances with other groups. For example, an incompatible activity arises if a mother needs to work on her agricultural fields for much of the day, but her children need to be cared for at home. Because of the complexity of that literature we will not discuss it here, but there are some general trends we can point to in the minority of societies that allow cousin marriage: In societies that allow cousin marriage, the vast majority only allow cross-cousin marriage; parallel cousin marriage is relatively rare (Korotayev 2000). Mate selection takes various forms but generally falls on a continuum from full individual choice to marriages fully arranged by parents or other relatives. In fact, most of the time you'll find the word you are looking for after typing only one or two letters. The globalization of society has had a profound effect on the practice of exogamy. 25 chapters | Such transactions, such as bride price or dowry, reflect higher involvement in the establishment of a marriage. in complex societies that have social stratification and intensive agriculture (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Evascu 1975), although such societies are also likely to lack substantial transactions at marriage (Evascu 1975). Strengthening of the genetic pool, thus reducing birth defects. Regions with high incidence of endemic pathogen stress are more likely to have cousin marriage (Hoben, Buunk, and Fisher 2016). It is one of the most common marriage practices in the world, and it has been observed in societies all over the globe, The word exogamy comes from the Greek words exo-, meaning outside, and -gamy, meaning marriage.. State societies are likely to have less male mortality because fighting forces tend to be specialized; therefore male mortality is less likely to be an important factor. Exogamy Our next governing rule of marriage is exogamy. The following findings support pathogen theory: Higher pathogen load predicts polygyny (Low 1990; Hooper 2006; Barber 2008; Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019). Some societies frown on cousin marriage so much that even distant cousins are forbidden. [4], Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill states that the drive in humans to not reproduce or be attracted to one's immediate family is evolutionarily adaptive, as it reduces the risk of children having genetic defects caused by inbreeding, as a result of inheriting two copies of a deleterious recessive gene. I feel like its a lifeline. Because inbreeding is generally deleterious (first cousins share 1/8 of their genes and therefore have a higher likelihood of producing a child with a double recessive gene), theory suggests that is advantageous to forbid cousin marriage the more likely it will occur by chance. The usual way to test theories is to compare societies with and without a customary trait to see if the variation is predicted by the variation in a presumed causal factor. Finally, another reason for exogamy arose out of a need to access resources that were unavailable within ones own group. In fact, commemorations vary widely, ranging from elaborate ceremonies to informal processes. Some studies have not found support for the sex ratio theory, but measures of polygyny were different (Hooper 2006; Quinlan and Quinlan 2007) or variable was imputed (Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019).. Exogamy does not guarantee that spouses have no genetic relationship. In other words, with dowry there is a downward passage of wealth. When one marries outside of a social group, it is called exogamy. Greater sexual regulation of women (Frayser 1985). While they are rarely the typical form of marriage in a society, societies practicing polyandry to some degree are more likely to have an opposite sex ratio favoring males rather than females (Starkweather and Hames 2012 see polyandry section below). To understand what a cross-cousin is versus a parallel cousin, it helps to think of the term cross as meaning related to you by crossing gender in the parental generation. Korotayev, Andrey V., and Joseph Cardinale. Their main findings are. The assumption is made that societies with social classes are likely to have private property and such property would create interest in keeping land together rather than dividing it into smaller and smaller pieces. Why? It does not maintain the purity of blood and separation of groups. A division of labor by gender is a cultural universal and it is proposed that marriage is a way for females and males to productively share the results of their varied subsistence tasks. The most important distinction made in many societies is between cross-cousins and parallel cousins. It is more likely to be the glue that holds a marriage together when economic production moves out of the household. Hopi woman dressing hair of unmarried girl. Rainfall variability is likely to produce uneven productivity between communities and exogamy provides more opportunities for movement to even out resources. Why? God The second may be related to that finding that polygyny is associated with lower warmth toward children presumably because mothers have little help in childcare (Korotayev and Bondarenko 2000). pattern of marital residence in which couples typically live with or near the husbands parents. dance The severity of enforcement of exogamous restrictions varies greatly across cultures and may range from death to mild disapproval. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Exogamous marriage or exogamy is the custom of marrying outside a specified group of people to which a person belongs. One theory is that such marriages facilitate exchange of spouses across lineages in the absence of financial transactions (Flinn and Low 1987). For example, the ethnographer Gusinde reports that the Selknam, who were hunters and gatherers of Tierra del Fuego in southern South America, were so averse to marriage between related people that when he asked them a question about allowance of such marriages he was met with a look of disgust. Sometimes this is an arrangement between two brother-sister pairs where the brothers each marry the others sister. 2016), These figures are based on data from the Standard Cross Cultural Sample which were coded by Broude and Greene (1985); these data on marriage were retrieved from D-PLACE variable SCCS739. We concentrate here on economic theories suggesting conditions that might make polygyny attractive for men and evolutionary theories that postulate advantages for both men and women. The authors postulate that, in the absence of a social network system to support people when they grow old, having children is vital for parents future survival. Thus, exogamy meaning is defined as intentionally marrying outside one's group, clan, or social unit. However, in modern times it has become more common for people of different religions to marry one another. Marriage is one method for societies to establish a reproductive relationship between the bride and groom. The opposite of exogamy is endogamy . As previously mentioned, polyandry as a societal practice is exceedingly rare. matrilocal He said that a people had religious respect for the blood of a totemic clan, for the clan totem is a god and is present especially in the blood, a sacred substance. They call these instances non-classical polyandry. The promise of resources in the form of bride price or bride service provides a brides family with some assurance that the potential groom was a suitable partner (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011a). my ek-sg--m plural exogamies 1 : marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law 2 : sexual reproduction between individuals (as of a particular species) that are not closely related exogamous ek-sg--ms adjective or exogamic ek-s-gam-ik More from Merriam-Webster on exogamy Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to a survey 83% people practice exogamy in these tribes. The main difference between exogamous marriage and endogamous marriage is the group of people from which a marriage partner is pulled. There are a wide variety of theories that have been offered to explain polygyny. Informal polyandry is where two or more men are recognized as fathers and provide some help to the same woman and her children. Such incorporation can be before marriage, such as growing up in the same community, or it can occur after marriage, such as being cared for by a deceased spouses family. Unlike most online dictionaries, we want you to find your word's meaning quickly. Females, by having multiple male partners, may buffer themselves against resource scarcity especially if close kin are not nearby. This was especially important in times of war or conflict, when such alliances could mean the difference between life and death. Note that the shortage of men theory suggests why polygyny might be advantageous for societies as a whole and for unmarried women. Additionally, as humans began to rely more on hunting, baby-tending and subsistence became increasingly incompatible. It is important to note that the inability to have a child is often a function of a particular couples inability to have a child as a couple, not necessarily the inherent inability of a particular spouse to have a child. Rosenblatt, Paul C., and David Unangst. A considerable body of research suggests psychological effects on boys of growing up in polygynous households, particularly if they grow up in mother-child dwellings where the father is relatively absent early in a boys life. The Raven totem could have ten individual tribes, while the Eagle totem could be composed of another ten tribes living separately from each other. It is also likely that exogamy evolved as a way to promote cooperation between groups. in societies that both lack polygyny and have high levels of social stratification (Gaulin and Boster 1990). They make the further assumption that agriculturalists and fishing people have more stable food supplies. And what if a woman has no brother, or what if a family has one brother and three sisters? Small size communities and greater variation in rainfall (Dow, Reed, and Woodcock 2016). Exogamy is a social rule that requires marriage to be between individuals who are not closely related by blood or ancestry. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, is a socially accepted arrangement for marriage outside of a social group. We don't care how many ads you see or how many pages you view. It is most common among people who live in social groups known as clans or moieties (groups). Bride price or substantial transactions of wealth accompanying the marriage (Frayser 1985; Rosenblatt and Unangst 1974). Outbreeding: the practice of breeding between individuals who are not closely related. This has made it easier for individuals to meet and marry someone from a different culture or social group. Exogamy can be divided into 'exo,' meaning outer or outside (like exoskeleton), and 'gamy,' meaning relationship or marriage (like in monogamy or polygamy). Community exogamy occurs in about 33% of the worlds societies; endogamy is much rarer and occurs in about 7.5%1 In one study based on modeling and cross-cultural analysis, exogamy was predicted by. Kenya Schaden and Lewinsohn (1962) tells us that, Many men have a companion before marriage. Love as a basis of marriage is antithetical to arranged marriage (Hull 1989). Being prevalent in most of the Western world, exogamy is the rule dictating that one must marry outside his/her kin group. A socially approved sexual and economic union, presumed to be more or less permanent, entailing rights and obligations between the married couple and any children they might have. Updates? Founded in 1949 at Yale University, HRAF is a not-for-profit membership consortium of universities, colleges, and research institutions. There are three main types of exogamy: Endogamy, the practice of marrying within one's group, is the opposite of exogamy. Religious exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own religion. The theory is based on two principles: 1) some individuals will make higher quality mates because they are more resistant to pathogens; and 2) with a high pathogen load, it is advantageous that a parent have offspring with more genetic variability because it increases the chances of having some offspring who can successfully withstand pathogens. Reed, and Fisher 2016 ) colleges, and Fisher 2016 ) takes various forms but generally falls a... ( Frayser 1985 ) glue that holds a marriage next governing rule marriage... Reed, and Woodcock 2016 ) many exogamy examples within the native of. S group, is the custom of marrying outside one & # x27 ; t care how many ads see. Governing rule of marriage is the most common among people who live in the establishment a. Basis of marriage is the group of people from which a person within ones own group may range from to! 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what is exogamy marriage