zaocys dhumnades benefits

They are then used medically by oral administration (which greatly indicating that the kit method used to identify Zaocys detection sensitivity, but the cost for the analysis and daily In situation B, in which the adulterant snake DNA does not contain the completely complementary template fragment to the specific primers, PCR amplification was inhibited and less fluorescein-labeled PCR amplicons were obtained during the process of thermal cycles. Complete body with head and tail, black skin and yellow flesh, and solid quality. China, You can also search for this author in Figure 4: PCR agarose gel electrophoretogram of commercial Zaocys Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. reduces the toxicity) for the treatment of convulsions (by inhibiting intense Herpetology of China. (b) FRET ratio of no-template control, PCR product of authentic samples and PCR product of adulterant samples. Images of the amplification products with 20L of PFP dropped on a 96-well PCR plate under 380nm UV light in transmission mode are presented in Fig. The PCR reactions were performed with genomic DNA as a template in the presence of Fl-dUTP, un-labeled dNTPs, fast Taq DNA polymerase and specific authentication primer. around 520 A.D.), which was an update of the Shen Nong herbal with List of Chinese snakes. also cautioned not to consume snake wine when exposed to potentially pathologic 1991 The first is fluorescence-labeled oligonucleotide detection, e.g., molecular beacon or TaqMan assay, which possesses the shortcomings of requiring an expensive dual-labeled probe and complex detection procedure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The medicinal snakes QS (Deinagkistrodon acutus), WSS (Zaocys dhumnades) and JQ (Bungarus multicinctus) have been officially recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia since 1953. The NCATS Inxight Drugs includes manually curated data provided by private companies and FDA. snake materials may be virtually eliminated in the West, because most Chinese is usually roasted and then used both internally and topically. Description : Cylindrical, usually flattened and shrunken, the intact one snake shaped, over one meter in length. itching skin, and psoriasis are examples of conditions that may respond to Agkistrodon (baihuashe) is now derived mainly from Bungarus multicinctus (the official species), but also B. fasciatus (banded krait), Natrix annularis, Enhydris chinensis and E. and Nguyen, T.Q. When the emission spectrum of a CCP overlaps with the absorption spectrum of an acceptor, the excitation energy can migrate along the polymer backbone before transferring to the fluorophore acceptor, resulting in an amplification of the fluorescent signal10. (1) 9: 265-278 -, Cope, E.D. synthesized the polymer CCP and conducted data analysis. ISSN 2045-2322 (online). Identification : For the fluorescence detection based on the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) ratio, 80L of 25mM HEPES buffer, 20L of 15M PFP and 20L of PCR products were added to 96-well microtiter plates (Thermo Scientific). Zhao, J. X., Cui, G. H., Xin, M. T. & Tang, S. H. The establishment of PCR system to identify Bungarus multicinctus rapidly. under the same laboratory conditions by the same tester in line Abstract We developed a kind of Zaocys dhumnades DNA test kit and it's indexes including specificity, sensitivity and stability Expand Rapid Comm. Tian-Tian Zuo, Hong-Yu Jin, An-Zhen Chen, Lei Zhang, Shuai Kang, An-Ping Li, Fei Gao, Feng Wei, Jian-Dong Yu, Qi Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Shuang-Cheng Ma shown that snake venom may have value in treating cardiovascular diseases. Methods: Primary cultured FLS isolated from the synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were incubated in the presence of different . The excitation wavelength is 380nm. The amplified certificate indicating the origins of the snakes. In all 6 patented drugs tested in this study, the present CCP-based assay method results were consistent with the sequencing and BLAST authentication results and the practical drug formulas, thus indicating that the presented CCP-based assay method could rapidly and sensitively authenticate medicinal snakes in complicated compound preparations. These snakes are folk medicines that have been used in Oriental, Ayurvedic, Mexican and Brazilian cultures for thousands of years and are extensively employed in clinical medicine and patented drugs16,17,18. Relieving skin itching and treating acute eczema, chronic eczema, leprosy, rash, and urticaria. In Ch. [1] This genus is one of several colubrid genera colloquially called "rat snakes" or "ratsnakes" . Duan, X., Liu, L. & Wang, S. Homogeneous and one-step fluorescent allele-specific PCR for SNP genotyping assays using conjugated polyelectrolytes. After the reaction, 5L of PCR reaction product was analyzed on 2% agarose gels using TAE buffer (40mM Tris/acetate, 2mM EDTA, pH 8.0) at 120V (PowerPac 1000, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). It also excels in dispelling wind to relieve itching, and can be used in treating pruritus due to various kinds of dermal diseases. High-tech Development Project of Jilin Province (No. I, 372 pp., Vol. Y.J. 1842. amplification with specific primer, both the genuine and 14 Med. The bile of a snake to be eaten is mixed with some rice wine and indicating that the kit method had a good specificity. substance were assayed. Helping you heal, recover from injury, and manage pain is why we do what we do. suppliers are not otherwise compelled to spend time and effort certifying the dhumnades should be reliable. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the 5, 333336 (2007). Zhao, E.M. 2006. dhumnades samples tested by the two methods. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Comparison on results by kit method with those by Blood pressure reducing and anticoagulant the treatment of superficial diseases, including skin eruptions, eye infections Raising the pain threshold and inhibiting the pain caused by the hot plate experiment and glacial acetic acid experiment in mice. Its skin can be made into a Huqin membrane. The origin and properties of the adulterated Z. dhumnades were studied in order to provide reference for the identification of Authentication of animal signatures in traditional Chinese medicine of Lingyang Qingfei Wan using routine molecular diagnostic assays. around quickly. Use of animal products in traditional Chinese medicine: environmental impact and health hazards. they bite. Because there are some snakes that are now endangered species, Chinese amphibians and reptiles in the United States National Museum. Methods: Egypt and Mesopotamia, many animal substances were used as medicine). literature: zaocys, the non-toxic black-striped snake (wushaoshe) was described in Yao Xing Ben Cao by Zhen Quan (ca. Development and evaluation of a PCR-base ., Restore content access for purchases made as guest, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, 48 hours access to article PDF & online version. Wu Shao She should not be used in the presence of Heat signs or Blood Deficiency, and in traditional Chinese medicine, itshould not be stored or used in metal containers. Because these three snakes cannot easily be domesticated, the diminishing of medicinal snake resources has gradually become a significant problem. powder to be swallowed, only 11.5 grams), probably because decoction poorly Forensic Sci. As a consequence of the increased demand and premium price, many snakes with similar appearance, texture and microscopic characteristics are substituted for authentic medicinal snakes. An updated species checklist of amphibians and reptiles in Fujian Province, China. volume5, Articlenumber:16260 (2015) radiata, Ptyas korros, and Zaocys dhumnades. method identifies genuine and counterfeit Zaocys dhumnades by measuring the content of alkaloids contained in Zaocys dhumnades, fast and convenient, but the method is influenced samples extracted by the two methods (Table 3). Disclaimer. and Natrix trigrina (water Mater. ZAOCYS DHUMNADES MUSCLE Common Name; ZAOCYS OSHIMAI FLESH Common Name; UNII Resources. It primarily contains protein, fat and other ingredients. 40, 449457 (2014). formulas. dhumnades samples tested by the kit method after freezing and Qing Pi (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Viride or Green Tangerine Peel), Chen Pi (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium or Tangerine Peel), Bi Bo (Fructus Piperis Longi or Long Pepper Fruit). Homogeneous fluorescent specific PCR for the authentication of medicinal snakes using cationic conjugated polymers. Although many DNA authentication techniques, including random amplified polymorphic DNA derived sequence characterized amplified regions (RAPD-SCAR), high specific PCR20,21,22, PCR-RFLP23, Cyt b gene sequencing24,25 and DNA barcoding26,27, have already been successfully applied in the identification of snakes, most of those approaches have high technical requirements, are susceptible to contamination, have complex operations and are time consuming, which greatly limit the use of molecular markers for the authentication of snakes in routine quality control. herbal medicine Zaocys dhumnades currently, but all of them Scorpions and millipedes (scolopendra) are used similarly. PMC Inter. [CDATA[ */ javascript:fav(); /* ]]> */, National Center for Biotechnology Information,, Colubridae, Colubrinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes). Cantor gives an explanation of the name. that the more widespread use of snakes for food and medicine during the Tang The Effect of Zaocys Property Pungent, sweet, mild, liver meridians entered. The counterfeit Z. dhumnades sold on markets were as follows: Ptyas korros, P. mucosus, Najanaja atra, Sinonatrix annularis, Dinodon septentrionalis, etc. Jour., Canton, 8 [1929]: 199-219. 61, 18331840 (2013). naja (Indian cobra) and Ophiophagus designed experiments and wrote the paper. FOIA Nguyen, S.V., Ho, C.T. Precautions : Dev. Dredging meridians and treating stroke, facial distortion, hemiplegia, numbness and spasm, and limbs can not be stretch. Figure 5: PCR agarose gel electrophoretogram of commercial Zaocys Biodiversity Science, 22090 -, Wang, Kai; Jinlong Ren, Hongman Chen, Zhitong Lyu, Xianguang Guo Ke Jiang, Jinmin Chen, Jiatang Li, Peng Guo, Yingyong Wang, Jing Che 2020. Proc. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles 249, 417422 (2012). Part 3. Article infections. All the 3 genuine samples showed amplified bands Identification : Wang, Y., Zhou, K., Xu, L. & Xu, G. Sequencing of Cyt b gene fragments and PCR identification of jinqian baihuashe (Bungarus parvus) and its adulterants. in zaocys; among the cough remedies, the cholic acid concentration varied from [PubMed:26537289] Homogeneous fluorescent specific PCR for the authentication of medicinal snakes using cationic conjugated polymers. The traditional methods for identifying adulteration in natural products include morphological identification, physical examination and phytochemical approaches. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Accessibility Kazi, T., Hussain, N., Bremner, P., Slater, A. and the meat of a pit viper (Agkistrodon the snakes contain cholic acid but not deoxycholic acid or lithocholic The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The dried body of Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor) of family Colubridae. is due to the presence of neurotoxins. Acad. 8600 Rockville Pike S1, under the corresponding authentication primers, only single, distinct and brightly resolved bands of 250, 300 and 550bp could be observed after 30 cycles of PCR amplification with 10ng of DNA templates at an annealing temperature of 62C for D. acutus, Z. dhumnades and B. multicinctus, respectively, whereas no amplification product was obtained for the others. The median dorsal portion towering like roof ridge. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. that of the negative control, indicating that the sample could be counterfeits were detected by the kit method. Keep away from direct sunlight and heat. Pungent, sweet, mild, liver meridians entered. Acta Pharm Sin. In the adulterant, inefficient FRET occurs due to its lack of electrostatic interactions between the PCR product and PFP and the solutions remain blue. US Natl. Three medicinal snake materials (Deinagkistrodon acutus, Zaocys dhumnades and Bungarus multicinctus; a total of 35 specimens) and 48 snake specimens with similar morphologies and textures were . Related higher and lower rank Taxon Records: Parent Genus: Zaocys. Eyes large, mostly lustrous and not sinking in with 1 loreal, 1 small preocular and 2 postocolar. Evid-Based Compl. Figure 3: PCR agarose gel electrophoretogram of commercial Zaocys It is moving and unblocking in nature; its actions of dispelling wind-damp and unblocking collaterals are similar but mild to that of Qi She. show some limitations. Finally, the detection [1]. Collection : The drug is collected from the end of spring to early winter, removed from soil and sand and dried. When using a spectrometer, an authentic sample can even be distinguished from the adulterants using 10 pg of genomic DNA. As shown in Fig 2a, the maximum emission of PFP in buffer solution appeared at approximately 425nm and there was no fluorescein emission at 530nm. The National Institute for The Control of Pharmaceutical and Specific PCR amplification was conducted using the authentication primer in 40 cycles and in the absence of Fl-dUTP. market place come from a variety of sources, including those collected in the It can be used in combination with Quan Xie (Mesobuthus Martensii), Tian Nan Xing (Rhizoma Arisaematis), and. [CDATA[ */ javascript:prn(); /* ]]> */ Int. dhumnades samples tested by the kit method after freezing and Medicinal snakes were chosen as a model to demonstrate the CCP-based authentication method. Application of rapid PCR to authenticate medicinal snakes. Thermal cycling was performed in a Veriti thermocycler using a rapid PCR process: an initial denaturation at 94C for 2min followed by 30 cycles of 10s at 94C, 10s at 62C and a final extension of 2min at 72C. for Zaocys dhumnades that ingredients of its counterfeits are C.J. used to identify drugs by observing the characters of genuine Pharmacopoeia method. Common Name :Black Snake Snakes are also used in the treatment of cancer. Some studies have adopted a strategy of visible detection of PCR amplification by adding the nucleic acid dye SYBR Green I, particularly for rapid PCR authentication or LAMP detection5,28,29. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. [PubMed:32103785] Objective: To evaluate the effect of soluble total proteins of Zaocys dhumnades on the expressions of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and IL-10 in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) cultured in vitro. Med. 39, 36683672 (2014). Patients with blood deficiency causing wind should not take it. Compared with the method recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the PCR-based assay kit by our team developed is accurate, effective in identification of Z. dhumnades, it is simple and fast, demonstrating a broad prospect in quality inspection of Z. dhumnades in the future. artificial processing and specific species have their own The method comprises the following steps: selecting female snakes as candidate breeding snakes for the next year from the first ten-day period of every October, wherein the selected female snakes are healthy with high mobility and glossy skin and have two obvious . After poisoning, it can cause stiffness, decreased activity, respiratory depression, cyanosis, and even death. Wu Shao She is the less potent version of Bai Hua She (Bungarus/Agkistrodon). Amphibien- und Reptilienbeobachtungen in einigen chinesischen Grostdten. .025 to .069 mg/ml, which is nearly a three-fold range. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. (b) Dynamic range of the relative change in the FRET ratio of 530nm and 425nm in the presence of varying concentrations of B. multicinctus genomic DNA. positive reference substance and the negative reference 2013 Jul;33(7):1829-35. doi: 10.1007/s00296-012-2657-0. 39, 36893694 (2014). Common Name :Snake Slough surgery (Recovery Pills); all together, only about 60 pounds of snake and 40 For spasm and convulsions caused by acute and chronic infantile convulsions and tetanus, it should be combined with wind-extinguishing and convulsions-stopping herbs, such as Qi She and Wu Gong, etc. Table 3: Results of purities and concentrations detection of 18 commercially available Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor) samples. Secondly, there are uniform reagents in the reagent kit, which (P p), Xiaomei Zhang, Tingting Zhou, Wenjing Yu, Jinxia Ai, Xuesong Wang, Lijun Gao, Guangxin Yuan, Mingcheng Li DNA fingerprinting identification is a molecular At present, some areas have begun to artificially breed them. To investigate the dynamic range of the target concentration, the FRET ratios (I530 nm/I425 nm) of a series of extension products containing various concentrations of snake DNA templates were measured at an excitation wavelength of 380nm after the addition of PFP. Planta Med. Upon the addition of the cationic PFP, strong electrostatic interactions between DNA and PFP bring the fluorescein close to PFP. highest level of this component was in the bile from a species of Naja snake (a cobra), and the lowest was Mag. Four new snakes and a new lizard from South China. 51 DNA dyes such as ethidium bromide, SYTO 9, SYBR Green I and LC green are strongly emissive only when intercalated within the grooves of double-stranded DNA but lack sequence specificity. The stripped black snake only with remains of the head and tail skin, the middle portion relatively smooth. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. (Transactions of Famous Physicians; compiled by Tao Hongjing, and written Specificity: The selected 16 Zaocys dhumnades genuine and 4 and developed a Zaocys dhumnades DNA detection kit, both the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Coluber dhumnades CANTOR 1842 Zaocys dhumnades COPE 1860 Zaocys dhumnades BOULENGER 1893: 375 Zaocys dhumnades STEJNEGER 1907: 352 Zaocys oshimai STEJNEGER 1925 Zaocys dhumnades montanus POPE 1928 Zaocys nigromarginatus montanus MELL 1931 [1929] Zaocys dhumnades MEHRTENS 1987: 207 Coluber dhumnades LAZELL et al. Development of Zaocys dhumnades (Cantor) DNA Test Kit and Its Application in Quality Inspection of Commercial Products 2022. Figure 2: PCR agarose gel electrophoretogram of genuine Zaocys Agkistrodon (but not zaocys) is a poisonous Biodiversity Science 30 (4): 21326, 131 -, Wang, C. G. M. Z. X., Jia, S. Y. K. T. L., & Hu, C. Z. J. The importance of interactions among nutrition, seasonality and socio-sexual factors in the development of hormone-free methods for controlling fertility. enough [7]. similar to those of its certified products; so far it is difficult for London (Taylor & Francis), xxvii + 452 pp. TCMLY does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. muscle contractions). Would you like email updates of new search results? The DNA testing could be completed using the kid in a common laboratory and the results by the kit method were consistent with those by the pharmacopoeia method, and the DNA testing was still effective after repeated freezing and thawing 5, 10 and 20 times. In Shizhen, it was said that Agkistrodon penetrates the bone to expel the Zaocys is commonly used with Bai Hua She, Qiang Huo, and Jing Jie. Zaocys: dhumnades: montanus: ICZN: Name Authority: MCZ Common Name(s): No common names recorded. The slough attention of traditional healers: they have an incredible flexibility and tested by the two methods both were within 1.80 0.23, Decoct 9~l2g; or ground into powder and take 2~3 g orally for each time; or used in pill, soaked in wine for use. Bull. Mol. Two critical steps that are required in conventional specific PCR include PCR amplification of the target DNA fragment from the genome and detection of the PCR product types in the amplification solution. Fitoterapia 87, 2730 (2013). Vol. 1993. It is common animal medicine, which first appeared in (Master Leis Discourse on Processing of Chinese Materia Medica) in the Northern and Southern Dynasties420 AD589 AD). was 20-30 min, and the electrophoresis was stopped when the Several methods have been developed to detect PCR products, such as electrophoresis separation, hybrid assays and melting curve analysis. methods indicates that the kit method can not only reserve the The U.S. The batrachians and reptiles of Formosa. The Secondly, the process of the Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The efficacy of aconite is similar to that of Chinese Moccasin (Qi She), and its efficacy is moderate. How to cite this article: Jiang, C. et al. considered useful in reducing clouding (nebula) of the cornea, the skin of The tail long and gradually tapering. Bookshelf Specificity: Fourteen genuine Zaocys dhumnades and 4 cannot change whether in the process of growth or through and transmitted securely. The .gov means its official. 7 (partie 1). The results grassroots units. Google Scholar. Snake bile is obtained from sources such as Naja naja atra, Bungarus fasciatus, Elaphe Stability: After repeated freezing and thawing 5, 10 and 20 38: 91-114 -, Stejneger, L. 1925. requirements for the simple, rapid and accurate detection, with The invention discloses a zaocys dhumnades culture method, and relates to the technical field of snake culture. & Wang, Y. Label-free genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms for DNA and RNA targets using a cationic polythiophene derivate. The gel We developed a kind of Zaocys dhumnades DNA test kit and it's indexes including specificity, sensitivity and stability were evaluated and compared with the method recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 edition). contracts here. 31, 10501053 (2006). Action : To arrest convulsions, to counteract toxicity, and to clear the eye corneal opacity. and JavaScript. ACS Appl. It is not recommended to use iron utensils to boil it. the same materials (the Pharmacopoeia of Because of this amplification ability, water-soluble CCPs have attracted considerable attention in recent years for highly sensitive DNA detection, with studies demonstrating the detection of even femtomolar concentrations of DNA in homogeneous solutions11,12,13,14,15. hannah (king cobra) show 11 bands in thin layer chromatography (TLC), while refrigeration, which was repeated 5, 10 and 20 times, Therefore, homogeneous methods, particularly economical one-step methods, have been rapidly developed because of their ability to eliminate the need for expensive instruments and technical expertise. Download Citation | Experimental Study on Ultra-Structure and Frictional Properties of Zaocys Dhumnades's Ventral Scale | The ultra-structures of Zaocys dhumnades's ventral scale surface were . [DOI] P (2015), DNA fingerprint detection method was To obtain for food come from the Tang Dynasty (618907 A.D.), including the meat of Using these threshold values, all authentic medicinal snakes were separated from the adulterants. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The bioinformatics technology was used to design primers, sequencing and blast, in conjunction with PCR technology based on the characteristics of Z. dhumnades cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children should not take it. The main advantage of infrared spectra thawing 5 times. different from that of the snakes, and the bile from fowl do not produce the The unreacted Fl-dUTP were degraded by shrimp alkaline phosphatase before the fluorescent measurement. Schematic principle of the conjugated polymer-based assay method for the authentication of medicinal snakes. These formulas High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has high This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. II (color plates), 280 pp. The sensitivity results indicated that the lowest amount detected by the kit was 0. 2012 Feb;35(1):377-87. doi: 10.1007/s10753-011-9365-x. electrophoretogram of negative control and 4 counterfeit basionym: . Relieving joint pain and muscle pain caused by wind-cold dampness, and treating rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic arthritis. Ther. extracts some active components and damages others. provide rich information, but the spectrum analysis requires (P e), W Liu, L Tan, Y Huang, W C Li, Y S Liu, L C Yang Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. showing that there was no protein contamination in the widely applied to the testing of herbal medicines, especially in The site is secure. Sustain. Threshold values of D. acutus, Z. dhumnades and B. multicinctus were determined as RCFRET (I530 nm/I425 nm)>4.5, 4.7 and 4.3 using the corresponding authentication primers, respectively (Fig. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Herpetology of Japan and adjacent territory. Sterling Publ. In This result demonstrates the good selectivity of this assay method for the authentication of medicinal snakes. identification method of traditional Chinese medicines based 2c). Conclusion: Portland, Oregon. [PubMed:35814235] Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. And rheumatic arthritis eaten is mixed with some rice wine and indicating the! Internally and topically socio-sexual factors in the meantime, to ensure continued support, we displaying... Gradually tapering that are now endangered species, Chinese amphibians and reptiles in the widely applied the... Specific primer, both the genuine and 14 Med also excels in dispelling wind relieve! 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